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What was supposed to write to George Lucge Lucas Stars Wars show

March 2025 has turned into an unlawful discourse Star Wars Underworld Per month. In days after star Wars The manufacturer Rick McCallum discussed a myth, not limited, Battle Galactica, Star Trekbesides Throughout Mankind Writer / manufacturer Ronald D. Moore and talked about what you liked to be one of the showers.

Appear Sacoffee Show (Katan’s handmade, Katee Sackoff), Mooore talked about George Lucas Writing what Lucas thought they were working well star Wars Show it can be. Here is a clip.

https: / v = RR21jpi4y

Cape Cover You were crazy. Caparica He was starting around the time. I received a call that wants to deal with George Lucas [me] In terms of a possible series, “Moore said. star Wars TV series … What he wanted to do was wanting to gather a group of writers together, a type of international writers. So one of Americans and there were some from UK and Australia [and] New Zealand, and would bring us closer to Eskywalker Ranch at the same time weekends … Then we will go out and do as for six weeks without us, write the texts, and tell, talk about notes, make another group of texts. “

“This has moved as a year or two or something,” Moore continues. “We had already collected, collapse, break, break,” Okay, “and when you just went shooting his entire … in George’s mind, I was producing. ‘This is that. I don’t care which notes your notes, I don’t care which your thoughts, is done. Do you want it? “”

This, however, is where the MCCCCUM section is in. Lucas’ opinion was a good idea, but the exhibition was very expensive, Lucas never benefited from doing it. Then he sold Lucasfilm, and star WarsTo Disney, and that was.

Nevertheless, Moore said he personally wrote his Scriptures and valued experiences, especially strife about it star Wars By the manner himself. “Sometime, you find your surprise and now you are in the writer’s room and tell something about a unreasonable Darth Vader,” Moore, before entering Lucas’s view. “You’re like ‘neh my God, what do I do? Where do I have forgotten and now the conference of the professional matter.”

Watch the full clip above and thanks to the heads of the heads high.

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