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Meta introduced social notes to the US next week

Next week, Meta will start one of the most important areas at a company company that once tested on how to check the details on its platform.

On March 18, the Meta will begin to release its Facebook public documents, Instagram, and the users’ community. The program is copying a human-human truth testing program in 2021 and that was only the only functions of misleading information after Elon Musk turned the platform to X.

Meta managers do not focus on finding notes of the US community before eliminating a feature in one of the countries. It is a very higher circuit to test the new feature, given to the US is the largest Meta market, but the meta may boot the public notes in other regions, where the European Commission is currently investigating successfully

Walking can sign and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is eager to relieve Trump management, who previously criticized Meta for preserved ideas.

Facebook users in the US will soon see public notes (credit: Meta)
Click Notes will show many details (credit: Meta)

Zuckerberg started announced these changes in January as part of a broad effort to give an oxygen to many of his platforms. Since 2016, the Meta depends on the facts from the fact to confirm the details of their platforms, but neil pots, telling journalists on Wednesday that traditions were most reliable, and making many mistakes.

For example, Pots said Meta uses fececels-cheice facts that looked at an article for climate change from Fox News and Wall Street Journal. In another incident, Zuckerberg has recently been said to Joe Rogan’s podcast that the meta should not waste concern about the vaccine with the Covis-19 vaccine as inappropriate.

Meta hopes that public notes will face public understanding to make a few mistakes, and provide a good way to test the best truth in the wrong end. However, the meters noted that the program does not promise public standards – company rules that indicate that the gaps are considered to be hate speech, fraud, or other banned content.

Excessive fluctuations of the meta content comes at the time when many electronic companies are trying to deal with historical racism against the maintenance of energy. X has led the industry effort, with the ELON Musk that focuses on his social platform around “free speech.” The Openai recently announced that it changes the way it trains AI models accepting the “Psychal Freedom” and said that it would not work so that it does not work.

Rachel Lambert, Meta Director of Product Management, said it was a third forum that Meta sets its new program to open algorithms around the community.

The META opened the apps of donors in its Nethpor Community communities in February. Meta donors will be able to lift the notes direct directory for report testing for postal information on Facebook, Instagram, or fibers. Some donors will determine the note to help or not help, determine the part that the public comment will be from other users.

Providers can estimate the information of the note (debt: Meta)
(Credit: Meta)

It is like an X program, the Meta’s Community Awt system tests what cooperators are generally suitable for post. Using this information, the META will only display a note if the common sides agree that a note is helpful.

Even if most of the Meta donors believe that the public note is required, it does not mean that one will be shown. In addition, Meta claims to postpone the post or account to its algoriths or whether the public note is shown in the post office.

For years, the principles recorded crowsdday are notes public notes as promising solutions to deal with negative details on social media, but have obstacles.

On the positive side, researchers have found that people are more inclined to identify public notes than flags from facts of facts from the Law, according to the study published in scientific science.

In another major level of quality in X’s tests System, with the University Researchers of Luxembourg they find that public notes attached to them reduce the spread of misleading post by 61%, on average.

But a lot of posts don’t get notes from them, or it takes too long. Because x, and soon a Meta, need social notes to access the consensus between the providers that are opposite ideas, often mean that only checks may only reach thousands or millions of people.

The University of Luxembourg Study also discovered that public notes can be very slow to intervene in the first stage and the right viral viral for the postal life time.

The latest lesson from the center to advise digital hatred highlighting the conundrum. The investigators took a post-lying sample X and found that donors propellate the relevant, relevant to these 81% of the time.

However, only the 9% of the spaces, only 9% received consistency between suppliers, which means most of these posts do not appear any of the true checks.

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