Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners Receives CFD Contract of the Onshore Wild Farm in Romania and welcomes European bank as an investor
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After its successful participation in November 2024 CFD Auction, the Presera II Wind Wind Romania is now in the last phases before the construction begins.
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Copenhagen, Denmark, March 13, 2025 (World Infrastructure (Copenhagen of Radramo Partners, Captured 245mws of its ratio. Early growth markets in II (GMF II), the CIP-controlled Fund, agreed to receive the function to its first developments according to the fulfillment of certain cultural conditions.
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Postera II is one of the largest spiritual projects in Romania that reaches 396mws and the total investment of approximately 500 million. The project has been granted a CFD contract following its effectiveness in the original Romanian CFD in November 2024, where a contract time up to 15 years from EUR 64.9 / MWh. Available in Constanta in Southeast Romania, which is beneficial to gaining the power of the spirit and is closely attached to existing transmission infrastructure, is expected to contribute to the safety in Romania and is expected to gain the power to obtain long-term prices. The Romanian CFD scheme aims to bring 3GW of the newkhore fresh air and 2 GW of a new Solar auction on the two Auction Auction 2024 and 2025. The scheme is based on EUR 3 billion of money provided in the dedicated fund.
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has made 30 million participants of the work, as well as the capital will be planted by the eib project as a GMF II investment group. The EIB departed early 2024 and announced USD 100 million commitment to GMF II.
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Rudo Griythu, a partner in CFD’s first CFD project where the Pestra II project has received the most important powers of renewable power and would like to recommend the Department of Energy, participant. By doing this. We expect some projects available under the CFD School in Romania and have access to the CFCbonation’s freedom.
“The European Investment Bank is proud to support the cleansing of Romania power at our EUR 30 million investment in Postera II Onshore Promis. In developing this renewable renewable power work, which strengthens the safety of the energy, and accelerates the growth of the economy.
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About Copenhagen components
It was founded in 2012, Oprefenhagen Infrastructure Partner P / S (CIP) Today The largest world manager has been dedicated in Greenfield Rewapable power and leader. CIP FOCUS funds with the Offshore Investment and Onshore Spirit, Soodas PV, Biolass and Power – from Bioenergy, Bioenergy, and X-X maintenance.
The CIP regulates 12 fees and should increase nearly approximately EUR 32 billion of energy-based investment and infrastructure related to more than 180 institutions. CIP has approximately 500 employees and 14 offices around the world. For more information, visit
About the Bank is the European Footbird
This page European Investment Bank (ELB) It is a long-term European Union center, held by its member’s member. Designed about the eighth core prioritiesWe have funds for a contribution to the EU Policy purposes By strengthening the climate and environment, digital and technologicalNogy, safety and defense, unity, agriculture and bioconomy, social infrastructure, investments, and the Capital Mister Statets Union.
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EIB group, which includes European Finance Fund (EIF)Signed nearly EUR 89 billion with more than 900 new funds The main impact Projects in 2024, raising Europe’s competitiveness.
All projects funded by EIB Group accompanied by Paris Consul Agreement, as we are purchased Climate Bank Roadmap. About 60% of EIB% of the year sponsor financial year informing directly from climate reduction, adapting, and healthy space.
About a modern fund
Today’s bag Is a program from the European Union for supporting 13 provinces to meet the terms of the power by assisting the modern power programs and improve power. The modern fund is working under the responsibility of the beneficiaries of benefits means working closely with the European Commission and the European Investment Bank.
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