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28 interesting and fun facts about the world

The earth is a very special planet for many reasons. First and very important, is our home. The world is the only planet in the solar system where life is located (in the case of unknowing), which is why the nickname maum in the world. It has a beautiful blue hue when viewed from space, provides another nickname: a blue planet. We all know that the world has large waterproof pillars, but have you wondered more about certain features of our good planet? These wonderful truths about the world will help to express some of your glittering mysteries and your students.

PS in the world has its own holiday to celebrate and keep it protecting everything about it. Don’t forget to celebrate World Day on April 22!


Facts about Earth Slideshow

If you like these facts about the world, hold our Google slider to participate in your classroom.

1. Earth is a third planet in the sun.

The earth is the third planet from the sun. - Facts about the earth

The earth is from 93 million miles from the sun. Mercury and Venus per first two planets from the sun, respectively.

2. Earth is the end of the planet when organisms can survive.

The world is the only planet when organisms can survive.

It contains appropriate living conditions in living organisms. Scientists have found no evidence of life elsewhere.

3. The world is not a perfect sector.

The world is not a perfect sector.

It is slowly inserting into the Equator, making it a sophoid. The width of the Equator is 27 miles greater than the pole-to-pole width.

4. Subscribe water about 71% of the world.

 Water covered approximately 71% of the world.

This includes oceans, lakes, rivers and snow. The oceans help keep the world in the necessary time of living organisms. Learn more about the facts about the world and the sea here.

5. The atmosphere of the earth was severely developed by nitrogen and oxygen.

Earth's atmosphere was largely built by Nitrogen and oxygen.- Facts about the world

The global spirit is made up of 78% of nitrogen, 21% of the small amounts, as well as smaller prices. This allows living things to breathe on earth.

6 The world of the world is divided by seven continents.

The world of the world is divided into seven continents.

The seven North American continents, South America, Europe, Africa, Antarctica, Asia and Australia.

7. The moon is a natural satellite of the world.

The moon is a natural satellite of the earth only.

The satellite is something in space that rotates something else. Monthly gatherings around the world, makes it our closest neighbor.

8. We get day and night as the earth is going around.

We get day and night as the earth is around.

The world makes a full circulation to their axis every 24 hours. Watch this video to see how this happened.

9. Land of blood causes four seasons.

Landness causes four seasons. Facts about the world

The world depends on, or tilts, about 23.5 degrees of their axis. Like the earth you take the sun, the rainbow shines in it changes. When the earth wandered in the sun, we meet the summer. Winter appears when the earth is from the sun. Falling and spring has the same amount of daylight.

10. The world is about 4 billion years old.

The world is about 4 billion years old.

Scientists have used radiometric dating strategies to calculate this number. This includes special tests of stones on earth and other parts of the area to determine the age.

11. The earth’s magnetic field protects us from the sun’s rays.

The world's magnetic field protects us from the sun's rays.- Facts about the world

The power of the magnetically deceive charges charged from the sun as the outer liquid moves. It creates the northern and southern southern fields in the sky at night.

12. Antarctica is the coldest place in the world.

Antarctica is the coldest place in the world.

Available in the South Pole and is covered in the snow. Temperatures can decrease below -128 degrees Fahrenheit in winter.

13. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest sea in the world.

It covers more than 63 square miles and 30% of the world.

14. The deep point in the world is Mariana’s canal.

The deep point in the world is Mariana's river.- Facts about the world

It is in the Pacific Ocean and is 36,000 meters (about 7 miles) deep. Length has longer than mountains in Verest, another sweet truth about the world!

15. The mountains are the longest order in the world.

The mountains are the longest world in the world.

The movement of tectonic plates, working volcanoes, and erosion builds mountains. Himalayas, Andes, and rockies have some of the largest mountains in the world. Learn more about the facts about the world and its mountains here.

16. The highest point in the world is a mountain in Verest.

The highest point of the world is a mountain at Verest.

Stands by 29,032 meters above sea level. It is part of Himalayan Mountain Range in Asia.

17. The lowest point in the world of the Dead Sea.

The lowest point in the world of the Dead Sea.- Facts about the world

It is found between Israel and Jordan in 1,410 feet under the sea, the Dead Sea is excessive salty. There is so salty that people are automatically floated when they swim! And contains minerals ready for the skin.

18. Platers are the highlands of the earth.

The plains are the highlands of the earth.

The plains short is mountains but find the same way. The Colorado Plateau is the largest plain in the United States. It includes parts of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona. Including Grand Canyon, Zon National Park, and Arches National Park.

19. Great plains, lowland areas.

The biggest, lowest plains.

The largest plains are the largest region in North America, covering places in the United States and Canada in the east of the rock mountains. It includes one third of the United States and has many fertile farms.

20. The valleys are low places between mountains or hills.

The valleys are lowlands between mountains or hills .- Facts about the world

A lot of old civilizations fled into the river villages because of many high water and fertile farms. One of the most well-known valleys is the Nile Valley in Egypt.

21.. The desert is dry, the areas of the sterile lands with very little rain.

The desert is dry, the earth's steril places with very little rain.

Desert involves approximately 33% of the world of land and can be hot or cold. They are home to these unique plants and animals that adapt to these unusual conditions. The Sahara Desert in Africa is a very great hot desert, and Antarctica is a cold wilderness. This fact about the world is amazing as we think of the desert like heat!

22. Canyos are deeper valleys that have disturbed sides.

Canyons have deep valleys with stubborn sides.

Build millions of years of eruptions of the river. The rock layers in the Canyon walls provide history of the world’s world history. The Grand Canyon is one of the largest and most famous pits in the world.

23. The islands are always surrounded by water on all sides.

The islands are in the hands of earth surrounded by water in all sides. - Facts about the world

They form a volcano work, rising levels of sea, or build coral reefs. Many islands have traditional plants and animals differently since they are separated.

24. The volcanoes are opened in the magnitude of the magma.

Volcanoes are opened in the magnitude of the magma.

They can work, move, or perish, depending on their work. Some of the most popular volcanoes include Mount Vesuvius in Italy and Mount Fuji in Japan. Volcanic work formed the Hawaiian islands.

25. The Deltas form where rivers meet at sea or ponds.

Deltas form where rivers meet at sea or lakes.- Facts about the world

Were created by deposits taken by rivers. Deltas provides fish sites, birds and other wildlife. Mississippi Delta is famous for its fertile land and wildlife.

26. The amazon rain forest is the largest rainforest of hot rain.

Amazon rain forest is a large rainforest of hot rain.

Available in South America and includes 2,300,000 square miles. It is a variety of different places in the world. Millions of different types of plants, earth’s animals and water animals live there.

27 coral reefs are called rain forests in the sea.

Coral Reef are called rain forests.

Millions of sea creatures live and flourishing in these special areas. Coral reefs provide food and environment and environment.

28. Great Barrier Reef the largest coral system in the world.

Great Barrier Reef the largest corporate system in the world .- Facts about the world

And it is the greatest building of life on earth. It is located on the Australian coast, puts more than 1,400 miles and contains 3,000 reefs. It can be seen in space because it is too much!

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Facts of World Day
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