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Nadya Suleman shows in Ann Curry discussion after receiving 8 children

Nadya Suleman He thinks of contradictions that he did in the days after he found eight children.

On Monday, March 10, a piece of life Octomom’s consentSuleman, 49, looked back at his decision to sit down on the NBC News journalist Ann Curry with his first sit-bottom chat.

“[The hospital] Let me choose what you have negotiated with [for] The storychance and I didn’t know who you are. I never look at whatever he does, “said Silemana.” So I chose Ann Curry. He was one of the women. I thought I would feel free to talk to a woman. “

When you sat down with curry, 68, with a chat to open the wind Today including Underline In 2009, Sileman said he was depressed for a variety of reasons including their appearance.

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Natalie “Natalie” Suleman returned to the public eye in 2013, but now he is back – and shared his story side. Sileman woke up in a fame in 2009 after pregnancy with Octullets with IVF. That same year, he accepted Noah, Malijah, Isaiah, Nariah, Jonah, Josiah, Josiah, and Jeremiah Suleman and six mothers. […]

“I felt shocked about me,” he said. “I got 150 pounds between all pregnancy so I had very big 100 pounds. … I didn’t know what you would get up.

As it also comes in Octomom’s consentCurry asked questions many Americans wanted at that time. At one point, a reporter asked Suleememan to respond to people who thought he was “strange and selfish” by being so many children. (Before accepting Octueplets, Sileman had already been a mother in six children.)

“I had a fog on my head. I wasn’t a lucid. I was ripped and opened and was in the pain,” said Sulanemana from all life cameras. “Would you think you can be investigated and interrogated when you were just born, all those Hotoskos? You are in shock. I was not.

Nadya Suleman remembers that they were interrogated by Ann Curry after accepting 8 children
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Sileman continued to seek that he was on his way to surviving “and not ready to respond to his actions.

“I felt attacked. I was attacked,” he said. “When a mentally attacked, they are not in the psychiatrist to become clear or honest. They will protect them and used all equipment.”

According to Sulman, who continued to appear in Today Show an interview with CURRY in 2011, the hospital where they were laid to set a discussion of “put the mind” on his journey. But in County County, California, living in Skhuma, she wanted to go home to see her children.

“It is a mystery,” she said in the discussion. “I don’t even remember remembering. I just know that I always protect myself.”

Octomom Family Album

Related: ‘Octomom’ and Eat Suleman Family Pictures Over the years and 14 children

The “Octomom” and Fed Suleman has 14 children, and has been registering their busy lives with social networks. Sileman was the mother of Ameer, Calysa, Elijah, Joshua, Joshua, and Hushua, when she gave birth to Octehiah in January 2009, Noah, and Makai. Sileman told New York Times […]

Octomom’s consent A series with six documents following Sulaneman as provides closer to his history and his life today as a mother 14.

With his first-year Octurets in January and six other children from 17 to 23 years of age, Sileman was completed in the public eye. Now, hoping to provide a stride of his family many never seeing.

Octomom’s consent ARS on Lifetime Monday at 10 PM ET.

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