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Why is teaching learning understanding a great challenge?

Capin led the 11-member team that collected 66 lessons from reading the instructions for learning classes in the last 40 years. Most of the lessons took place after 2000 and included the recognition of about 1,800 teachers. Courses do not only review classes or artistic classes, but also scientific and social studies. In some subjects, researchers have written for educational hours and are analyzed.

This visual and recordings are simply a single-scale snapshots. Unfortunately, these checkup courses cannot explain why teachers do not follow the scientific evidence, and Capin could not find that understanding was recently for the interest of learning. But you share a few insight.

A little time spent in reading

Teachers spend limited time to study and children. “The obvious problem is that it is difficult to support the understanding of learning if students have not learned,” said Capin.

The learning courage was especially called in scientific classes where teachers often prefer powpoint slides over emails. Overtime was dismissed from learning the instructions to understand in reading or English class, but only 23 percent of the teaching time. Nevertheless, that is the great development of the first lesson of the 1978, who had only been 1 percent of the teaching time spent on learning to understand.

A different study of middle school teachers published in 2021 received this findings of the less previewed visual visual findings in classes. Seventy percent of scientists say they spend less than 6 minutes in texts a day, or less than 30 minutes a week. Only 50% of the social studies teachers say they spend more time reading in classes.

“The negative reading of reading can be born of negative learning orders,” said Capin. “Teachers often report that their students have difficulty reading distance distance.” So they avoid reading completely.

It can be seen to hold – 22. Users users more time to read instructions because students have difficulty learning. But without having to learn more time, students cannot improve.

More attention to examineer than to understand

Capin said his party found that learning education was focused on the skills of learning words, what the teachers called “drawn.” The investigators recognize that teachers also develop students’ knowledge, especially in scientific studies and social studies. But this knowledge of knowledge was widely distinguished from engaging with students in the understanding of the Scripture.

“We have taken this approach to learning comprehension commands described by reading and understanding the text,” said Capin. That might sound obviously, but some information lawyers fail her analyzes, they argue that the building is worthwhile to learn understanding and no teacher uses real slides or text.

Lowly low teaching

Learning Instructions based on evidence, as recommended in the field teaching fields of Education Science, rarely, Capin said.

Instead, researchers notice “the lowest” of the study of reading when the teacher asks a question and the learners answered in one word reply. Capin gave me an example.

Teacher: We have just learned about ancient Egypt. Who were the Egyptian leaders of Egypt?
Class: Faraohs!

And the teacher moves on.

The more complex approach is possible to ask students for the purposes of the Farao, or why the ancient Egyptians formed the cemetery.

Teachers often make sure the students’ answers were “good” or “wrong.” Capin said there were only 18 percent of the answers to the teachers described or improved student students.

Capin said the teachers used to go to talks rather than motivate students to talk about what they understand or think. Teachers often read the text aloud, ask the question and answered the question for themselves when the disciples did not respond. He said that the lead would help students better understand the Scripture.

Capin said the teachers also often ask questions about common understanding, such as “the main point?” Without thinking that questions are correct for the existing passage. For example, in myth, the author’s main point is not important as identifying their main characters and intentions. Even ways based on evidence of improving the learning of learning can be seriously killed.

Some teachers earn regular interviews in their classes. Capin said he visited such class on the past few weeks. But thinks good understanding orders is unusual because it is much more difficult than teaching the sector learning skills. Teachers should complete the vacancies in students and background information for everyone to participate. Teacher training programs do not satisfy enough in relationships in relationships, and the investigators are not bad to tell teachers about these methods. In the meantime, teachers face pressure to produce higher assessment points and lower estimate strategies can produce temporary results.

“And I don’t want to pretend that researchers know everything when it comes to reading the instructions in understanding,” said Capin. “We have been in science for some 20 years to read the commands to understand compared to the skills to study the basis.”

The science of the science of study I hope we will not wait for another 50 years to understand the better.

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