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The Arab System of Gaza leaves the thorny issues unanswered

When President Trump said last month that he wanted to submit all two million Gaza residents from Egypt and Jordan, the oppression of the Arab leaders.

At the Arabic emergency Cairo on Tuesday, they set their opinion: They rebuilt Gaza without enforce the Palestines living there. Sideline Hamas, a group of armed is currently controlling Gaza, and appoints the appropriate bureaucrats committee to work six months before enabling Palestine government unclean. Then recall the field with the West Bank as west of Palestine – a long palestine and many Arabs in Middle East.

Throughout the world’s speech and nuts – and bolts discussion of the Palestine Housing Units, however, the future of Gaza after Gaza was closer to the decision.

While the Arabic countries prioritize the disposition of compulsory Palestinians forced and reconstruction of $ 53 billion, their plan leaves the central question. And Arabs who have a little influence can use to push Israel or hamas to break their rectangles in several important compulsions, especially since Trump management is well related to Israel.

“With all respect, the system was very technical, as if it appears in the engineering show,” the political scientist in Birzeit University in West Bank. “And we need a political system.”

But a political solution had never been with Arab hands. Finally, that should come up in Israel, Hamas and the United States, analyst. Three remained low, they propose to fear that the battle will burst and Gaza.

Countries Arab is not able to close those divorces in a visible statement on Tuesday statement. The lower road map is a desired list, the proposal summation over what the power in Gaza will be passed on to the Eternal Committee to the Palestine authority and empower the righteous government of Israel.

A statement signed in Arab countries on Tuesday night and avoiding it directly and how to make Hamas, an important issue. While both Israel and Trump managers say to remove the armed wing of the group, it is nothing because of threats put in Israel, the confusion is to break the Hamas.

The document is moving in the case of the Oblique security of the Gaza-managed Gaza. Elsewhere, the Palestinian authority is to bless Gaza by the western Bank next time, meaning that it can be the authority of the safety, not Hamas.

That does not mean that the Arab countries want to see the mother and keep their weapons. Egypt, who handled an emergency conference and Gaza boundaries in the South, has difficulty national security problems. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other Arabs also want to see it.

However, even if they have a need for the need to mislead Hamas, no one seems to have a plan of how he can do anything to accomplish. The group, adopted the statement on Tuesday, does not mean that the opening of its weapons.

Another basic place to install Incasse about the problem of Palestine. Arab initiatives of the Palestine condition will probably be able to run in the conflict between Israel.

Arab leaders say that they changed the idea of ​​Mr. Rivia ‘. Israel has accepted the existence of Israel, and the Israelite foreign service on Tuesday night that Mr Trump Vision “Find the opportunity to have free selections based on their preferences. This should be encouraged!”

Trump Administrate’s spokesman, Brian Hughes, appeared in the sense of America’s President when asked about the Arabs program on Tuesday night, saying Arabic system “does not conduct the fact that the Gaza is currently in attendance,” according to opponents.

Although the United States is never clearly inclusive of their old solutions, Trump administrators seem to go with the issue of locking Israel, they relied heavily in the United States, providing Mr. Trump the room to threaten the arm of Israel, analysts say.

“The only thing that is really important at this time, what is Trump to raise?” It said Paul Salem, a specialist in Washington-Based Middle East Institute.

Mr Trump has his eye in the big battle when Saudi Arabia will agree to combine the relationship with Israel to return to the security team and the United States. Saudi Arabia has given any dealings with the Palestine condition, reducing the prospects of agreement.

But by the end of his end in Gaza, Israel strengthens their clinging in the West Bank, Mr Salem said the Palestinians were in such a weakness that Mrs. Trump might force a deal.

“They can be in a position to accept things that they may have received” before, Maselem said.

The Arab color was set up on Tuesday when it comes to redesigning Gaza, the process mentioned by the document may last until 2030 costs $ 53 billion. It requires the summit next month to integrate international fees and the program investment, but it is not clear who will invest down.

The rich Gulf Arab tribes are often asked to pay for rebuilding and land development. Egyptian foreign minister Badr Abkalaty also suggested that Europe could enter it; And António Costa, the President of the European Council, bringing together European leaders, said in the Tuesday Conference that Bloc “is ready to provide concrete support.”

However, GuFF’s Kings may have filed a large part of the bill, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, they recognize such capitalism to re-destroy the territory and when the war is destroyed.

Only two Kingdom heads of Cairo – Bahrain and Qatar’s conference – Put the presence of the former, combined Egypt that were hoped and raised questions about the support of the Gulf countries.

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