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30 police officers charges of allowing ‘Gladiators fighting in a youth detention center

Thirty-operating authorities in the youth arrests in Los Angeles County faces charges – and in other times they are fighting – Gladiator-Style Style among young people, General General General on Monday.

The Grand Jury claim charges DetentionS Services’ sstreams in Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall in Woody, Calif., For the child abuse.

Mr Nomonga said the 69 battles took place in Los Padrinos from July 1, 2023, to December, said the investigation of the California Justice Department after January 2024.

Footage – published by the last Los Angles Times in April – shows several officials that are at least one seems to encourage young people in a room in a colorful room in a room in a colonial room in a room décor.

One of the police seems to smile as a point as resistance and the other trembles and one of the personality times after a collision younger.

“To watch this video, police appear to be a referee or members of the audience in the ingredient, not adults who face charges of care and youth,” said Mr. They said Monday. “The police do not go in, they do not intervene and do not protect their offenses.”

The investigators learned that war was ‘incident, separated,’ and those officials in Los Padrinos were allowed or encouraged the fighting for 12 to 18 young people, Mr. He called him “a serious threat to child abuse and risk.”

Jamal Toon, a lawyer, is represented by two young people participating in wars. One was a victim seen by the striker, when he was 16, said Mr Tohonon.

One was 17 years old when he suffered a series of cruel attacks in Los Pardinos, including three attacks in one day that he knew nothing, Mr Tohonon said. He had a painful brain damage because of that, he said. Both clients are facing the district over this attack.

“We are talking about the obligation to swear by protecting these children and instead of the Carlyst For Dlar’s pleasure,” said Mr Tocri in an interview on Tuesday. The Call of Crime Is Thawa “Discussions.”

“A long procedure to occur in full review of the County Placa Department of Placation,” he said.

The department, responsible for the supervision of young people in Los Pardinos, said a statement saying that the police faced charges against a position in unpaid leave. He said that he “sought help from the Law authorities when misconduct was received.

“While these events are very concerned, we believe that this is an important step in reelinging a trust and strengthening our beneficial changes we recommend at our Youth centers,” said the ProQue department. “Our vision is experiencing rehabilitation, support, and fine effects of affected justice, and supporting the highest standards of the professional and integrity of our employees.”

Stacy Ford, AFSCME Local President 685, representative of the Probation County Deputy County, including 29 charges of those who are charged in a particular situation, emphasized in a statement that the charges were not found.

“Our members have the right to think of the same thinking of purity and deserve to be treated equal to the right procedure, just as they donated to those who are in their keepers,” he said. “We do not allow any illegal behavior, and we will do our best to support our Members as they roaring this difficult situation.”

The Los Angeles authorities in Los Angeles, “working under the difficult conditions” and “an armed and armed areas accused of murder, sexual harassment, terrorism and other serious cases.”

He also added that police remain “committed to maintaining the highest level of technology while raising their swearing activities.”

The miracle came between a wider concern about the conditions in Los Padrinos, currently about 250 young people.

In December, California Boards of State Reconnations said the test at the center has found that adolescents spend the closet from the rooms without getting programs, recreation or external functions.

Young people were compelled to explain the ingredients, and there were an iconic placed in their rooms because no members were available to escape the bathroom, the board said.

Mr. Not Bonta said he was working to deal with illegal conditions and haven of the County halls, including Los Padrinos. The final collapse, said, the judgment of the Civil Management against County wanted further monitoring and changes to the policy, workers and training.

Youngjustices should have the opportunity to recycle, Mr Bonta said. He said: “That is possible.” If they endure abuse and grief in the system, especially in the hands of those who are facing their charge. “

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