Education News

My Climate Fiction and University syllabus

Since reading Bryan Alexander’s book Universities Are BurningI’ve been diving into every climate crisis novel I can lay my hands on. After reading all this fiction, I dreamed of turning my growing collection of climate crisis novels into a study.

This course will combine my passion for thinking about the future of the university and my growing concern for climate change. The course will be called Climate Fiction and the University. We could read climate crisis novels through the lens of the future of higher education.

reading the THERE With the story “Helene’s Aftermath: Classes Canceled, Students Displaced” this morning, this seems like a good time to design a lesson based on the reading of fiction about the university and climate change.

Below is a list of the weather fiction books I’ve read since reading them Universities on Fire. There are probably too many novels to read in one semester, so I’ll have to make decisions about what to keep. (Any ideas?)

Which climate change novels not on this list should be considered for the syllabus?

Are there any campus novels that put the climate crisis at the center of the story?

What are you studying?

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