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The world’s largest largest main center uses AI in the ‘Huttrazing’ employees of India workers

Telperformance SU, High Call Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Center

In a new report from Bloomberg, Telperformance was allocated to invest in Sancy 13 million. Sanas created technical focus on reducing “reducing prejudice based on learning.” As teleperformance puts you, technology can be unable to “neutral” ACCents.

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Meta is planning to present the Standalone Meta AI app. Accaia’s Sam Altman fires back.

“If you have an Indian agent in the line, sometimes it is difficult to hear, understanding,” a large support of Telperformer, Thomas Mackenbrock told Bloomberg. Mackenbrock said AI technology could be “neutral by the speaker of the Indian platform with zero latency.”

Bright light speed

Accent-Neutraring-Neatraring technology is currently working on India and Philippines accents. The company says it is working on using other accents, such as those available in Latin America.

The AI ​​start and it provides the background feature of the background for upgrading or mask any sounds from the location of the telecommunications location.

Telperformance said and used AI tools in the usual AI services, such as writing calls and training new staff. The company announced that he would invest additional $ 104 million in Ai during a driver.

Artificial intelligence

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