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I love the moment that everything changes in the Gundam Cunguuuux

The recent login in The type of transaction Franchise, HEUUUUUXconstructed from the area around one of the most interesting areas of the mainline The type of transaction The show has ever been. Arriving there, we are asked to set our minds back over 45 years to the 1979 union – and in doing so, we are also asked to consider a positive outlook.

Most of the GuDam Capture-As with his movie / mix of a movie HEUUUUUX StartIn American stadiums today by a limited runfocused on the fact that the show is actually set for another version of The type of transaction“A hundred Mega century. The original first time line The type of transaction and the next series of the following, among others in Franchise, HEUUUUUXThe nature of events asks us to consider another effect. What if the troops in the original series, the SectureSist Solon Zeon space, were actually able to overcome the war against the world?

HEUUUUUXThe inflation point indicates that the new time line takes the audience back to the first phase of the Anime 1979. Start Opening with a shots nearly shot, beating with Hit recreation during the first period of opening The type of transaction Personal: After the shortest meaning of “Mpion of Year” between Earth Federation, we follow Zen Mobile Suits as they receive Intel that the Federation has been raising new mobile suit there.

But things differ as soon as: We are told that one of the pilots intended to go to the mission after the damage after the death of the previous meeting, left Zeon Ace Pilot Cher Aznable to take his place. This is what converts everything HEUUUUUXThe timeline points to prototype mobile suit, gudotam, made the courageous movement out during Zeon’s arrival.

Hiteuuux White Gundam

It is a pleasure to look revealed in the Start If ua The type of transaction fan, to see half of the opening to restore the original The type of transaction It is different from this change, and what things have echo in both of them. But if you are the Diehard Lover of 1979 Classic remnant, you may be meant to continue the work instead of Char, and why fails in the original series as one receives Gendam cockpit. A man known only as a genealogy.

To the original original slave The type of transactionThe genes of the genes is a great asshole. Despite the Stealth Recon’s arms, he is exalted and Brash, on the top and not for his submission, but at this time Char Aznable, at this time he was a decorated warrior. He is bored for just a war on Kedon of Kedon Khonon, in part, just a normal position, Genes removes orders, just threatened by firing, and starting to struggle at the Federation centers and residential areas.

It is one act, HEUUUUUX say, that does everything The type of transaction As we know happen. Apart from Gent Mission – without his longing to dismiss AMuro, he escaped from Gundamwa, and hit the white Turnaround in the Warfo War Charn. Mobile Suit Gundam It happened because the one Jerk in Zatatical is drawn, jealousy in the glory found by more than him. Of the char, directly.

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Including that It is what makes this completely fun, but also interesting at the same time. Because in Original Show Char is not really Dashing War Hero who wishes to imitate it. He is a chocolate pilot, yes, but you are far from the jeweler warrior that fights in head: He planned, coming, slowing down to the church and the outer area. The war hero is a mask dressed as his famous helmet, always thinking of two steps earlier as it organizes its Deon’s agenda. Char does not care about the war efforts: He cares about betrayal and destroys zabis, and he will use the opportunity to be their military post to do so right.

It is still the same HEUUUUUXChanger’s opinion, too. Even receiving access to the Gundam, Char still plays a game of his game, organizing his Vendetta against Zabis all the time using the Guundam to get a war. Hell, of course the way he decided to take the Gundam in the way of combining the heroism, he sees the opportunity while Gundam was interrupted, and jumped out of his property. That Who Char, regardless of whether the man started to meet the Anime, 1979, or his translation now finding seeing HEUUUUUXAnother way of time. What is the reading of the Religion, correctly both conflictis Focus on the lease.

All of this is done with the odds of the disorder and deception Charely believers – even if it is the ability to successfully manage the zabis due to the battle in the original exhibition, or this new true vision now HEUUUUUX. Is what makes Start Such deceptive treatments for such a long-term observer of a series of series. Dealed with clear love and respect for the original show as a pioneer in the type of MECHO in the type of Anime, and a deep understanding of the forefront of years. Enough respect for both to perform a poor fanndy act in the first place, but also we have more than easy imitation and respect for before.

If so that HEUUUUUX It can keep the essence of its aspects as the story continues to be in the TV Anime into large sums of money, The type of transaction Fans will be to enter one hell of treatment.

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