Education News

Day Agreement: Save 25% in Walt Disney World Swan and Holphin Hotels

Who doesn’t dream by visiting one of the many Walt Disney sites or field parks? Be a school getaway or because your children ask the magic family vacation, we are willing to bet a lot to you. But don’t forget to look at educational discounts, such as those assigned by the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin.

Teachers get 25% in Swan … or dolphin

You may have heard about the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin, but did you actually know that their sister-citizen who shares one bed? Despite the technology breakdown, the good news is that they share many aspects, as a place between Walt Disney World. And most importantly, they both donated 25% booking discount on teachers and staff supporting the school.

To book the Internet reservation with this discount, you can use the Promo code S5198 in the “Corporate / Promo box”. When you call the bookings, simply ask them to use the number of promotional codes. Finally, remember to pack your school issued ID, as you will need to show in logging in to confirm your discount.

Of course, if you are not a disney-walking, or when traveling to foreign countries, you can also look at a special teaching discount given by

We’re curious – What else can help you to save this month?

We have sent an email to [email protected] and will try to install your suggestions on our Deal Roundups. Happy Purchase!

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