Education News

Chameleon Analytics: Measuring student involvement

Chamelon jumping the Chamele Analytics law

The Chameloon Analytics gives the power of L & D technology to track deep student participation wherever their content is dwells, with just a simple button. Chameleon was able to develop recent technological advances, changing the possibility of the expiry industry.

Estimating long-term education participation is restricted, Cumbersome, and reliance on completion and research prices, making it difficult for the L & D teams to find logical understanding.

The Chameloon Analytics provides a complete visibility in student behavior, allowing organizations to understand exactly where the students worked together, they strive, and interact with the content and platform. The platform includes seamlessly with existing learning management systems (LMS) by tracking the SCORM and can analyze the content of the online presence of URL Analytics.

Key Chameloon Analytics skills

  • The student declines: See exactly what your students are rejecting you, help you to see places to change.
  • Contact Details: Understand your disciples’ conduct by analyzing how each meeting made.
  • Device Reports: See what devices your students use to share with your content and sync to fit their interests.
  • URL and Scrams Analytics: Track engagement or where your content is.
  • Materialized reports: Download your data as a PDF report to share participants.

The platform does not need changes in existing service delivery or learning methods, enables immediate access to the L & D groups to improve their measuring powers.

“This is a problem we want to solve for a long time. And now, we have,” said Todd Hammungton, the CEO of Chameleon’s Creator’s Creator CEO. “It’s very long, measuring learning involvement has rely on the full amounts of completion, connected systems, and time-consuming operations.”

As part of the Chafaloon’s access plan, customers find that the “simple and discrepant cheleloon. [their] People earn how the module follows. “

The Chameloon Analytics is available immediately for el & D clubs to take the processor of learning design and bring effective content done. The head in the chameleon crueter to visit or shortly book to start tracking the participation of true students today!

About Chameleon Creator

Chameleon The Creator promotes the solutions of learning technologies that help organizations create beautiful learning experiments supported by data conducted by data. The hearing of the Chameloon Analytics in the Suite of its product, the company continues its work to provide the country’s learning technology in the future.

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