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Francis is in a critical condition. What happens when the pope dies?

The Catholic land is rushed with criticism as Pope Francis, 88, is still in a critical hospital due to the infection of complex peels and other difficult diseases.

On Tuesday morning, the Vatican said Francis had a good rest, the next day after saying he answered a little treatment and showing little improvement.

The cardinals were collected before St. Peter on Monday evening to lead Rosary in the pope.

Here is what we know about his condition, and how things can move.

Francis infection ‘The breath of respiratory respiratory respiratory has grown into pneumonia in both lungs, and some problems are expressed during the hospital lives.

He had a respiratory problem that would result in the high flow of extra oxygen. On Sunday, the Vatican announced that it was suffering from “kidney failure,” being treated “.

He is treated with a variety of drugs, and his doctors said to prejudice them challenging.

Given her age and history of lung disease, doctors have been improperly employed.

While Francis’s unclear, what is sure to be respected by a deadly reputation and refined in the centuries to ensure confidential change and systematic change. Carefully obtained Pagology is providing an order to church in its most amazing Flux.

The death of the Papa is quickly assured by the Head of the Vatican Department of Health and Cardinal Charborbain of the Holy Holy Church, becomes a verto administrator. The Pope’s body is wearing a white cassock and brought to the Pope’s private pope.

The Cardinal Chamberlain, Cammerlo in Italian, is now performed by the cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell, an American-year-old American of Irish American. He and the officers, as well as the Papers’s family, practice in the church in the Suspend. The body is placed in a wooden box and the zinc. The Pope wears a red, the core and the pallium set up near him.

After the ceremony, the cameras were written down a letter confirming the death of the Papa, attaching a doctor’s report. He protects Pontiff’s private papers and marks his apartments, where francis occurs in a large part of the second floor in Caasa Sana Martha, where Francis Gaesshouse is used when the Pope.

It also organizes the destruction of a ring that called Fishereman’s Fisher, used by the pope writing the directory, by the haven of the festival, to prevent it look down.

Francis has brought a sub-style in the church – refused for several clothes and ornate Papal. His plans keep that to the end, measure some of the artificial and event funner.

By rewriting funeral arrows in 2024, Francis made many things. From the 13th century, wooden bodies have begun to look at the public, their anointed corpses are placed on the highway. While John Paul II died in 2005, his body was first delivered to the Portolic Coorace within hours to look at cards, bishops and other members of the Italian Hierarchy, and the prominent Italian officials.

Francis has completed that kind of view. Instead, public viewing will take place directly in St Peter Basilica, where thousands are thrown to pay respect to the pope in the past. But her body will sit in a box, which will not be on the proposed bases. “Francis decided to emphasize humility in magnitude,” says Agosunino paravici Bagliani, church historian.

The cardinal college determines the day and the hour that the Pope’s body will be brought to St Peter basilica, a camera guilty, and where the view will begin.

The funeral and burial of the pope must take place between four to six days after his death, and funeral arrows in various churches in Rome will last nine days.

Pope’s past posts are placed in three edges, one cypress, one of the zinc and one of the elm. But as part of Francis’ Kingdom changed, he decided he would be buried in one box, made of wood and put on zinc.

The box is closed the night before the funeral. The pope’s face is covered by the white silk and buried with a closed cash bag during his pope and catister with a “Rogito,” or deed, brief health details. Rogito is read aloud before the box box is closed.

New rules also allowed the pope to be buried in the church without St Peter Basilica. Francis asked the burial instead of St. Associated. Mary Major, a lovely week of him and he often visited in front of a girl Mary Mary.

Within 15 to 20 days of Pope’s death, the Dean of The College of Cardininals, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, 91, will call Rome cardinals in the presence of the follower of Francis.

The time between Pope and the election of teens are called the Sidene Compa, or “a seat without a human.” At that time, the Cardon college kept the general oversight of the congregation, but is banned from making any major decisions.

When the cardinals meet, they meet in Signine Chapel. All cardinal chosen ones must swear an oath to obtain secrets and vote by voting of confidentiality. Only the cardinal under 80 years are eligible to vote. Two thirds are needed to select a new pope, and politics are part of the process.

The cardinals are not allowed to leave out with unusual cases. The word: from Latin “with the key” – referred to the division placed on it, meaning the election process from the drainage.

During the scope, the cardinals reside in Caasa Santa Santa, built on John Paul II commands to take the developed arrangements in the living room in the Sepal cooler.

The cardinals dropped repeated votes until most third parties appear. After every vote, smoke is extracted by a chimney that can be seen in the St.thop. If a vote is gone without three, smoke is black.

When a decision is reached, the smoke is in white.

Within Vatican, the college dean asks the one you chosen to receive work. After receiving Yes Me thought, Dean urges him to call the name you wish to be called the pope.

In Chapel’s Diractisty, new Pontiff is wearing a white cassock. After greeting the cardinals, he continues Standle of St. Basilica Kany Peter, where the old cardinin announces, in Latin, “Habemus Papam” or “with the pope.”

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