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11 You are dead as an anti-disability Disability Disability to connect to contaminated water

Next January, January that the signs of the Wanti Naik began to enter Him, starting with twice as well as a deterioration of the headquarters and anonymous feeling quickly.

“There was difficulty in the jaw and my eyes, and my throat was completely banned,” he said. “I was very worried.”

He and his husband were urgent in the hospital where they spent 12 days in the big care, sticking to IV for food because they couldn’t say or swallow.

Naik, a public school teacher, said you were trying to contact the doctor to find out if he would recover from the disability of his face.

“I thought, ‘I don’t want to live.

He was found in the Guillan-Barruné Syndrome, or GBS, a refusal of Autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks its nerves, causing muscle weaknesses and various disability weaknesses.

32 Still in Great Care

Naik is one of the 212 cases of GB cases in Pune on Thursday, every part of the eruption that continues to see new patients found as soon as it becomes education and an Information Technology Hub.

On Thursday afternoon, 11 people were killed, two in the last 48 hours, largely larger Cune City.

More than a dozen patients are in Ventilators, 32s are still very careful.

This Jan. 12, 2013, a photograph shows a wooden farm in Koregoon Mul Village, about 30 miles from the Mount of Mount Western Mount Pune, where Guillain-Barrun Syndrome. Although GBS cases are usually linked to fried chicken, India’s officials believe that the water pollution is the main source of the outbreak. (Swipe PARTA / AFP with Getty Pictures)

As soon as the case of the allocation, local authorities worked quickly to release the beds at public hospitals and covering costs, said Dr. Andert Dravid, an infectious disease expert Run Poana said.

But the first days of eruptions at the beginning of January, where many patients arrived at ERS with severe diarrhea and disability, filled with confusion.

“From one GBS’s case a month for each hospital, we went to six parts” in each hospital in Pune.

“That was the first sauce that something was wrong.”

The authorities analyze the body fluid in patients and followed the outbreak of the pathogen called Campylobarbacterbacter jajini, which is the most common cause of the main type of gbs that causes GBS worldwide.

But the disease is not closed because only some kind of Campylobacter Jij’juna, with an external layer that imitates the nerve formatures, it actually leads to the growth of autoimmune diseases. The outer layer around this type of pathogen shows the immune system and kills their nerve cells beside viruses, creating disability in the patient.

Treatment challenges

The World Health Organization has submitted parties to assist local health workers to follow and guard against the affected area to make sure that “each case,” It means in the release.

GBS is difficult to find, especially doctors in distant parts of India, because it requires special test kits.

“If this had happened to the rural area, it would be difficult to find the GBS cases,” told CBC News at a private clinic, add that patients were allowed in hospitals where the nervous sensors.

A man with black hair and brown eyes sitting in a chair and towards the camera talking about neutrality. Wearing a red and blue shirt.
Dr Andert Dravid, a special disease expert in a Poona Porism Hospital. (Salayah Shivji / CBC)

After a wide examination of over 6,000 water samples, officials followed the source of opportunities for pathogen, making them seriously ill with heavy diarrhea, contaminated wells, and other water resources.

They believe that viruses is entered into water suppliers in the area where the focus is, but I do not know how.

‘We need to get up’

The health officials in Pune, along with the Maharashtra State authorities have regularly told the citizens that they are not shocked, adding that detailed contamination measures even though those steps are unclear.

There was an initial concern that the pathogen tracking was found in green chicken, but the officials said many of the bad samples appeared. Experts believe when the chickens carry pathogens, they may be cleaned with viruses.

“This is the failure of the public health,” said Dravid. “We need to get up.”

Watch | Bullet is in the hospital after the GB breakfast:

Contaminated water linked to Guillan-Barruak’s eruption in India

The city of Pune, India, reports a number of guillain-Barruné Barrané Syndrome or GBS, a refreshing disease where the immune system attacks its nerves, causing its disability, causing its disability, causes its disability, causes its disability, causes its disability, causes its disability, causes its disability, causes its disability, causes its disability, causes its disability, causes its disability. The authorities say that the outbreak is linked to pathogen in dirty water.

The size of the defects points to the majority across the immediate environment, but one of the fastest developing cities in the National Health Cities: Water cleaning facilities have not been kept with the speed of urban immigration, said doctor.

“Now it is about that public life requires a greater importance,” Dravid said, especially that the pune also saw the higher number of money in the last year, during a very wet monsoon.

Viral disease struck by mosquitoes and is an important factor of the public health, because it can cause long health problems and the levels of the year rises. Last year was The worst of the record For the worldwide dengue conditions.

As for GBS, rescue rate is quite high – usually about 95 percent, although the recovery levels vary. But the problem is that there is no cure and treatment is expensive.

After the first physical attack is waving muscle weaknesses and tricky disability, GBS patients usually require time and physiotherapy important to repair the nervous damage.

A large number of dravid patients are still weak in the legs or symbols such as demolition and disability, while others use wheel chairs to avoid falling.

“That is the actual cost of this war, which we ought last month.”

Long-term Consequences

Naik and his family felt the costs associated with his illness – still suffering twice as much view and unable to teach.

He lost his money as he tried to recover; His mother has moved to his house to help with daily activities while in the sick leave.

“[Our] Funds were in trouble because treatment is expensive, “his medical insurance can cover the full costs and hospital employees who require the rest of patients’ treatment, not independent, at the end of January.

He said he tried to keep the beautiful view of his 16-year-old daughter.

But especially, there is concern for his viewpoint and the condition of water he and his family can find.

“I’m so afraid of drinking water or eating any fruit or vegetables. Don’t know, safe?”

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