A number of false murder rugged in Australian beach for Eunduzed – National

Marine experts have gone to have gone to go for more than 150 whales of killing more than 150 lies in the Australia province, said officials on Wednesday.
Experts include animals in the scene near the northern coast of northwest, 157 whales were found on Tuesday afternoon, departmental environment and natural environment said.
Negative oceans and weather conditions, preventing whales from being rescued on Wednesday, it was about predicting days, Shelley Graham said.
“We have gone out of the water this morning and we tried to show two whales but did not fail the sea conditions.
Marine Biologist Kris Corkon said the survivors would be upgraded.
“If these animals go out for a long time, they have a long problem. Everyone of the different ways were unsuccessful,” said Caryon.
The department said there were 136 years on Wednesday morning but that test has been updated up to a few hours.
Interview of the sea, sea conditions and challenges to find special equipment in the remote area complex answer.

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Minor whales weigh as few as 500 pounds (1,100 pounds), while adults weighing three metric tons (3.3 US tons). Despite their name, murder whales are one of the biggest family member of Dolphin.
In the picture provided by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Environmental Affairs of the surprise, Wednesday, February 19, 2025, a remote sea in Australia’s island in Australia.
Nre with AP
The contact manager Brendon Clark said the stranding became the first of the false rays in Tasmania since 1970. That was a rod of over 160 wheat entered Stanley on the northwest coast. Tasmania straps often drive whales.
Clark refused to guess why the latest pod could be filtered. The dead bodies of the dead wheat were to be tested for directions, he said.
Helikopta Reconna Resance on Tuesday afternoon has no more whales within 10 kilometers (6 miles) in spam pool, he said.
Some may have been diluted for a long time in 48 hours at the beginning of Wednesday.
Arthur River Redident Jocelyn Flint said his son found whales covered at midnight and fishing in the shark.
He said he went to the scene in dark hours and returned after the morning but whales were too big to be shown.

“Water goes up and growing up. They’re just dancing, hiding in the sand,” Dlint said on Wednesday morning. “I think it’s too late.
“There are young children. The other in the end, there are many big. It’s sad,” he added.
In 2022, 230 aircraft drivers were developed extensively in the south side of the west coast in Macquarie Harbor.
The largest mass in Australia occurred in one harbor in 2020 when the whales of long drunk drivers were held on ideas. Most lower whales died in both cases.
Reasons for sea divination is not clear. Reasons can put down the ground caused by great noises, sickness, old age, injury, causing meals and bad weather.
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