Education News

Trump selects the critic of Bened Nicholas Kent as less

J. David let / getty pictures

The criticism of the biden managers will supervise colleges and universities, according to the document received by Within the top.

The President appeared to write Nicholas Kent, a Virginia Education Secretary, to be less than the secretary of the Federal Department of Education – one of the nominees included in the document. Listen in Kimberly Richey, a higher Florida Education Department, which will be appointed by the Savioral Security secretary. (White House is currently in a formal announcement, but the sources say a list of appointment must be transferred to the Senate soon.)

Kent, who had been working for a trade union represented by non-profit colleges, should have to confirm the US Nate. Currently, James Bergonon is serving as he works under Secretary. During his first time, Trump was not set under Secretary, so the choice is the latest sign that his team was prepared and focused on higher education at this time.

“Nicholas Kent is one of the most highest educational professionalism and the intense understanding of the education policy,” said Colleeli College Colleogers and universities, said a statement on Tuesday night. “Very qualified for the paragraph of the Secretary and will work for schools and students in all sectors of higher education.”

The appointment team comes a day before Trump’s choice to lead the Department of Education, Linda Mcmahon, will appear before the Senate Committee with his confirmation.

Kent worked in Virginia since August 2023, managed a government’s postsecondary strategy. Before there, he was a primary policeman in Centu, representing non-profit colleges. In his role in Cubu, Kent returned several of Benden Admanistration policies. Now, it is possible to be a voice that impacts the higher education in Trump management.

The first three weeks of office sent higher education as they move quickly to direct the differences, equality and programs included in colleges and the promotion of “sexual ideas.” His management temporarily stops the grant review of the national health and national health facilities. That temporarily stops and others moving to the past three weeks has caused much uncertainty to colleges.

Kent will be the main number in achieving Trump’s orders and interpreted the Presidential Vision in the Policy. It will also bring an additional policy experience to the Leadership team in the Department of Education. The president of the president of the president of the Chosen Trumps – Linda Mcmahon has a limited experience in the education policy, but is seen as Trump Lieutenant and the business Mogul and businessmen.

In Virginia, Kent worked under Gov. Glenn Workki, some who have described as Trump Exrogate. Young Gon has made it possible to increase government’s influence and oversight of higher education, not allowing differences, equality and installation programs and plans and fighting against fighting against fighting against fighting against fighting against birth.

Before there, Kent worked for profit collectors, promoting cutting the red tape found in a few important policies of Beni managers.

“Higher Education Act directly restricts the Department’s authority piercing a business veil and holds financial performance,” said Kent told Within the top On April 2023. “[The Biden] Management is more proposed than this authority through new rules and submission. ”

The deputy is also holding a Master graduation in the George Washington University director and acts director of the DC State Superintendent Office and Accrediting Bureau for health education schools. It is familiar with the Department’s complex Education Policy and policy problems that often cross the department’s officials of department, including the IX title, student loan, authorization and online education.

Kent also offers the support of Trump’s sense to end the Department of Education, or at least reduce the size of their influence.

“Congress was founded: 43 years ago today,” he wrote on the post post. “I will not be able to wonder if law makers voted a large contribution of the organization of K-12 and PostSecondary.”

Richey, who has been appointed to guide the office by citizens’s rights, and spent time in Virginia, working as a Superintendent pinnering school quality, education and performance at the Virginia Department of Education before leaving Florida. Before there, he worked at the Department of Education Department of Community rights during the first Trump.

Ribyey spoke about fighting an important racecourse of race, Tallahassee Democrat Reported.

“The teaching of the CRT’s Core Thets can have a deeper impact of students,” wrote in 2021 and wrote in 2021. “No child is described in its skin color. Furthermore, the doctrine of these harmful principles violate the same religious tenuts in the schools claiming to support.”

When confirmed by the Senate, Richey will play an important role in the Trump Administration Freedom in Transgender athletes. A few weeks ago, Trump has prevented transgender athletes from women’s games, and the first right office has opened several investigations related to this policy change.

Richey sponsors a management position during the first time, arguing about September 2020 that girls travel with transgender playing in a sports team associated with their own sex ownership.

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