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90 Day Fiance: Corona Bashes Icelandic Tradition

Corona supports Icelandic culture 90 Day Fiance: Another Way. He is trying to adjust to his new life in this country. But there is one tradition he will never do again.

90 Day Boyfriend: Corona Questions the Future in Iceland

Corona did not have an easy time adjusting to his new life in Iceland. He moved to this country to be with his partner, Ingi. But he is beginning to realize that his plans may not be playing out the way he thought they would. She has already received the shocking news that she may not be able to attend midwifery school because she does not know the language and has missed the application deadline.

90 Day Fiance: Corona
90 Day Corona | TLC

I 90 Day Fiance: Another Way the actress doesn’t know if she can fulfill her dream of becoming a midwife in Iceland. And now he doesn’t know if he can handle some Icelandic culture.

Ingi points out that it is an Icelandic tradition to immerse yourself in cold water. The TLC star explains that there are many benefits to jumping in freezing cold water. He adds that it’s “good for your joints.” You say your body feels better after getting out of the water.

Ingi Makes Corona Jump In Cold Water

Ingi takes Corona to plunge into the cold water. He feels like it’s a good day to do it because the water is below 4 Celsius and about 25 Fahrenheit. He jokes that “he could die here today.”

I 90 Day Fiance: Another Way castmate jumps first. He asked her if she was coming. He feels that people of his color should not throw themselves into the cold cold water. But he says to her, “It’s an Icelandic thing.”

However, Corona feels that Ingi is made for this kind of stuff. He says, “You’re a Viking.” He explains that he is built for the cold. However, you feel that it is designed for hot temperatures.

90 Day Fiance: Corona90 Day Fiance: Corona
Another Way | TLC

90 Day Fiance: Another Way Celeb Isn’t Trying to Be a Viking

Corona starts walking on water. However, he feels the cold water hurts. However, Inig tells him, “It’s refreshing.” He tries to put his body under the water, but the cold defeats him. So, he runs to the beach.

I 90 Day Fiance: Another Way the reality star feels that swimming in the ocean is “not for black people.” He thinks it was not nice of him to make her do it. So, he tells her that she can ask him again.

Corona tells him that it was a mistake for him to go into the cold water. He jokes that he doesn’t know if he still loves her.

However, Ingi feels that swimming in the sea is something you do to be a part of Iceland. However, Corona tells him that he doesn’t want to be a Viking. He doesn’t feel like he has to act “that hard.” So he will not jump into the cold water again.

Check out Soap Dirt for more 90 Day Fiance news.

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