Why some Ghanaians fight in insigency-hit Burkina Faso
Three Ghanaians told their involvement in the fight against Muslim rebels and war in Burkina Faso, explaining mysterious violence scenes and bloodless battles.
“We stay worreen. Some battles, I have seen 40 people, 50 or 100 men,” one of the men told BBC.
All three, all three decades or early education, said they were fighting in Burkina Faso many times since 2018. They crossed the porous border 550km-munched (350)
They deny that they are promoted by religion or training in jihadiaths, saying they have struggled to protect communities with a strong and national family.
“My older brother, his wife, and their children were killed by [Burkinabe] the army. It’s a lot of flirting. The soldiers came to their community in the forest. They killed all, the whole family, including 29 people, “said one of the men.
But one of the men made the zeal of religious, said: “If you die while fighting with jihadists, then you drive Jannah (Islam name of Paradise), in the way of the right.”
The challenge is challenged that they have joined in vain attacks, these men were divided.
Man was denied doing so, but one has confessed that he did.
“Some local people support the soldiers in the attack, so we should punish them,” he said.
“You know … I’m not happy to fight like this. The number of people who killed, people who kill soldiers, is very bad. But this war has entered our blood,” added.
All three spoke in the form of anonymity.
The BBC could not confirm its claims but showed us photography, defined the latest conflict with Jihadist officials in Burkina Faso.
BBC has contacted men with contacts in cows in northern Ghana, where jihadist groups were suspected of renovation.
People often walk between Ghana and Burkina Faso [AFP]
In 2022, NGO based on France, announcement, reflected the Jihadists who hire 200 to 300 young people.
And the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Calcial-Tank, in a July report in July in July, Jihadists’ a little success in Ghana.
However, the men gave a different viewpoint, saying BBC, the best interests that could be confirmed, that people from “all parts of Ghana” and many “races were joined in the insurance in Burtina Faso.
“Others strive to be Jihad. Some do business,” said one of them.
Financial motivation comes in the state of livestock that jihadists steal communities out of their villages.
“When we attack the community, we take animals: sometimes 50, sometimes 100,” the BBC was told about one of the men.
The cows are reported to be brought in northern Ghana, and sold in the markets.
Smugging across the border was confirmed to the BBC by cowkeers.
It is considered that it is paid for a large group of groups such as Jama’at Nusrat Ul-Islam Wa Al-Muslulin (Jnim), Al-Qaeda corresponding to the Burkina Faso. It works and Niger and money.
The West African District was described by the UN at the last 2 as a piece of global jihadist violence.
Ten years ago, some years ago were insurgency in Burkina Faso and tens of thousands of killings.
Ninoa Nasuru is one of the thousands who have fled to Ghana from violence.
He told his BBC killed in front of him in 2024 at the time of his hometown in Eastern Burkina Faso I was numbered in Jnim.
“They arrested men, killing them. My husband was a farmer. He has no idea with Nditifia or a dispute,” he told BBC.
Some refugees described the same acts of violence against Burkinabi soldiers.
Saaliya Karim fled to Ghana after her village was attacked [BBC]
“Some of the people who killed us were 80, aged 90, and these people could not hold a gun, can’t fight anyone. They killed without cause.
Ghana has ever been touched by the Insurgency, although the attack took place in Togo and Ivory Coast.
In a statement that is just taxed in Ghanaliah, Mohammed Eliasu Tanco, a man who said Jnim Representation said the group had a wish in Ghana.
“They (JNIM Fighters) are not allowed to take action against Ghana. This is a clear and clear statement.
However, the increase in community violences in another part of the northern Ghana has raised concerns that jihadiyast are exploiting disputes to benefit.
The town of Babe Bammed was arrested for decades with a long battle between different ethnic groups. More than 100 people are thought to be killed by the conflict with the fight against October past.
“Evening evening in the world is always so [one of] Firearms and intense exchange. People use AK47s, M16s, all kinds of default guns, “said a resident who told BBC.
Refugees from Burkina Faso have arrived to search for shelter in Ballaku (Photo Photo) [AFP]
Jnim smuggles are suspected of selling weapons on both sides.
“We understand that they are providing taking the weapons in Burkina Faso.
“One criteria confirmed that this is the new way they bring firearms. And Ghana safety is not equipped to find these cars,” he added.
Ghana’s Defense Minister Edward Nkardi Boamah did not respond to the BBC notice request.
President John Mahamah, who replaced in January after winning December President, visited Ballku last month in an attempt to promote peace between the bloom. However, guns continue to report.
Ghana Ghana Ghana spokesman Sammy Gyafe told the BBC that he was destroying violence in Bawkwaku was the most important part of the government “.
“Violence is spreading and if care is not taken it may be anger from a comprehensive region to benefit from this dispute,” he said.
The three men BBC spoke to him that they do not stop the opportunity to be preached.
“This thing can go to any place, or in any country. It was not in Togo but now this attack takes place there.
But another men took a vision of deception, saying the rebels of Burse Faso were closing ‘Islamic struggle’.
“They just killed people, and stolen their flesh. What happens is not jihad and so I don’t like it,” he said.
You can listen to Ed Butler report on the BBC World Service Program.
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