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How Sudan and Palestine did it on the Super Bowl | Ideas

On Sunday night between the Super Bowl Half show part show, a player raised flags in Sudan and Palestine. At the party as managed carefully as a super Bowl, his short disturbance, quickly treated safety, and not displayed in live spread. But the moment itself, he passes over there, He was deep figuratively.

It has shown the determination of the Sudanese and Palestine’s determination to break up their accounting tests set by regular platforms and talk. It was another example of how, when faced with a systematic process, they tactfully find cracks in the system to make their words heard.

Indeed, for more than a year, Sudan and Palestine people have made every effort to speak. They protested, arranged and invested in their wars to bring attention to their wars. But the world refused to listen.

This was not the first time when the Super Bowl was behind their suffering. Last year, and millions of Americans watched the game, killing at least 67 Palestinians in the area of ​​Rafah – the Palestine Pasestine. pay attention and commend them.

And many of us as activists know that we should find ways to resist the distraction. In collaboration and knowledge, I have released a different kind of Super Bowl Courcial – not one selling chips or cars but reminds people of crime our government has enabled the power of Gaza. Ad, we shared widely, they had a simple but urgent message: America is interrupted. As we are enjoyed, children are slaughtered with our tax dollars. As we are happy in groups, our government provides weapons that change in Palestinian homes in many grave.

The Romans call “bread and socks” – keep a heap of feeding and enjoying it and will not consider oppression, or see. The Super Bowl is a big circus of today’s American, carefully conducted abuse from our national baggage.

But there are times like Sunday Night’s Eight showing that not everyone is willing to be distracted.

There are also times like January 15, 2024, where more than 400,000 people gathered in Washington, DC, to ask for the Revenue of the Palestinian Israel – an act that has never been seen in a large number of people. It was protesting to reduce the milestone demonstrations in the Country City – but the media covered him. If the 400,000 people were together in any other source, it would lead to dinner, and they ruled for social media and filled the topics the next morning. But in Palestine, peace.

This was not to oversee. It was a deliberate effort to suppress the words of Palestine.

The Palestinians have always had to strive. When their words are banned from ordinary platforms, they have taken to social media. When their protests were ignored, they arranged for the great ones. When they have left, they have done not to forget them.

Sudan is the same story in many ways, but has its exception. If the Palestine willfully inhibited, Sudan is almost completely ignored. The Sudanians were executed by the war that destroyed their land. Almost every crime of warfare all who think are made by Sudan. The level of suffering is amazing: Tens of thousands of citizens, over eight million people forci, and all the villages were burned down, and all the villages were burned. And yet Sudan remains no footnotes to Western media.

Sudan activists have responded with a Hashtag #eyesodan, a large global stator to pay attention. But their cry, as Palestine, are inhabited by the peace of the deaf.

Sudan’s story’s story is the result of a media system that prevents only conflicts of political interests. Sudan, unlike Ukraine or Israel, is not well in line with the western body agenda. Cannot promote coverage. No clinging cry for politicians. No fever help. Millions of remaining people suffer. Media Blackout in Sudan is not just apathy; It is a hypocrite in the going out of all people.

And then in Sudan and Palestine, what happened to Super Bowl wasn’t just an act of deviation. It was part of the long culture of people who have had to break peace when all official stations have failed. It was a reminder that the Mainestream incredible to delete Sudan and Palestine’s suffering, the truth will pass through.

It bracked on the streets, where hundreds of thousands of people continued in March in Palestine despite arrest, critical troubling and violent pressure. It is passing through Sudan and Palestine communities, when activists put their lives and put the attention of the world. It comes out of the digital field, where the private journalists and the Grassroots movements come from the real story.

And last night, he broke on the stage of the world’s most based events.

The views displayed in this article is a writer itself and does not necessarily reflect the planning of Al Jazeera.

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