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Ecuador Presidency Election: Understandable

Ecuador voters have voted on Sunday to decide whether Daniel and Boa, the relevant President, will receive another name after 15 months in the office.

Mendumerermo, Lillermo Lasso, called to the original election in 2023 as faced with the force processes. Mr Naboa, 37, Harvard Kennedy’s school has completed the rich family of Ecuador, woke up unexpectedly in voting areas for elections and served the remainder of Mr Lasso.

In danger, the protective method of which is about 18 million will take over drugs and higher jobs, the issues that send tens of thousands of Ecuadoreas in the United States.

In the last five years, Mr Naboa was political. He has been elected by the Legislature in 2021 and served one word.

During the 2023 elections to replace Mr Nasso, he woke down at the bottom of voting in the first ballot to determine the second controversial victory after the second debate. He then hit the left separation election, Luisa González, in Second round.

Ms. González runs and represents a strong Presidential party, Rafael Corse, an abuser image in Ecuador. Many voters present a nostalgia for low-energy violence and the strong economy shown by his Presidency, while others remember his authorized style and confidence in his fake charges.

It’s been for the left movement of Mr..

Mr Naboa, built under last year, the voting of the voters is supposed to win about a third of the legal chairs – the same as Mr. Corcrea.

Mr Neboa was first chosen after the desired desire to follow the immune system in Ecuador and the cycle of a special electoral election, including the execution of another person chosen by the president.

Although violence, as well as unemployment, sit on the site, depends on the Social Finding of Teens and the Power of the Power of Humans.

In an effort to end violation of violations and prison conflicts, Mr Naboa last year set up the state of armed an armed dispute, allowing soldiers to walk on the streets and in prison.

He also sent the Mexican Equico Cup of Mexico Equito, the capital, arresting the politicians who wanted refuge in fraudulent prison, so regarding such a state. Some analysts see traveling as the oversight and threat of the public speakers.

However, his supporters saw him as a brave leader willing to break the rules and get up until the forces. In April, Ecuadaans stimulates his hard-line method when he agrees that re-considered spread the existence of the Revocious military.

“He should be strong to make people respect him,” said Jessica Navarro, 34, taxi driver Equipo.

Ms. González, an argument with politics, is described in his relationship to Mr Corcore, who gave him a gift to represent his party.

“While Rafael Correa was, she was very supportive,” said Edgar in Escobar, 28, a nurse who sponsored Ms González. “I would like to return to that country that we had before.”

However, Leding Zúñiga, former Minister of Justice conducting the National Party and Msgonzález’s party, back in the past.

“It’s not returning past, ” he said. In addition to returning in the past, the problem has a knowledge of technology and technical information, because community management is not easy. “

Ecuador is facing persistent violence, chronic unemployment and power problems. In January he saw a violent death than any month three years ago, according to police information.

Drought last year in the most dependent world of hydroelectric power created 14 daily energy cut off about three months. The shared problem with water, cell and the Internet service, closes businesses and are at all harm.

In the last five years, drug trafficking has increased in Ecuador, drawing from international criminal groups and opening unique violence and peaceful nation.

However, Mr Nobaa’s campaign is often increasingly explained in the image – the country is full of cameras and cutouts of her cutout – and under suggestions for specific policy to deal with the challenges of his country.

Mr Nobaa often talks unfairly by throwing the old “icuador” to trash.

Ms. González emphasized to deal with safety issues by strengthening Ecuador centers such as justice, health and education programs.

The election of the Ecuadorean President often sets two voting cycles, as well as the former 20 in the first round of the second round. Overcoming the first round, the candidate must receive more than 50 votes, or 40 percent of the votes with 10 points in a rival rival.

POLICS has shown Mr Naboa to lead before the Sunday election, may be able to win enough votes to avoid escape.

Voting started at 7 am week and ended in 5 PM results are expected to start coming about 6 pm

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