Asian communities faced tongue barriers during La Filfires, UCLA’s research said
The new UCLA research has been received in the week and received Asia communities affected by the recent fire in Los Angeles County had difficulty obtaining information about the output of language.
Studies, part of a series of research that evaluates the effects of ethnic and nationalistic impacts, 50,000 50,000 immigrants and their generations living in four language. Fire areas are: Masalades, Eaton, Hurst and Hughes.
The group creates a total number of these four areas, but researchers say that data information is a point in multilingual information alerts to fire warning about the warning warnings.
“These language needs are part of a broad challenge in Los Angeles County, where it is above half of America’s million is classified as limited technology,” the study means a part.
In the Director of the Amaja Kulkarni, the Executive Director of Asia Is Filal Alility Alliance, the members of the 50 community-based organizations, said the complaints flew from the residents that fire warnings were sent only in English and Spanish.
He said other citizens avoid immigration centers because they were not translators to help them, and some complain that they could not find information online about their native language.
“We have compiled the sources of sources in many languages ​​because we saw no one else did,” said Lkarni. “It is available in English, Chinese and Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Thai and Vietnamese and includes information in accommodation, housing, child care … All games.
The work guy is available on AIPIs equity Alliance Website.
In a statement written to Times, La County’s Connectricated Management Center, which said the user was restricted in the English and the Underformation Program Information program and the warning process held by the Emergency Management.
“These warnings are one of the few ways to inform the citizens to leave their homes in an emergency,” said County officials. “Our answer also includes the use of the LA County’s messaging platform, knocking the department or first responders with carers traveling by car.”
County authorities say that its disaster institutions include multilingual resources and County materials translated into a multilingual maternity, Korean, Topog and Vietnam.
“Many social media messages from the accounts of LA County are regularly entered into many languages, including Korean and Chinese,” said the statement.
This comes on Wednesday, said County officials, the congregations of your weekly news conferences will be available in over 60 languages ​​with real-time translation services.
While researchers and Aged researchers and lawyers urged the County officials to inspect Asian community officials as various races speak their languages.
As part of the study, researchers look closely to the diversity of these communities in four areas of escape through the calculation and primary school details to enhance the profile of the people living there.
The discovery of study indicates that the commonly mentioned languages ​​of Asia are Chinese, Korean, Topog, and Vietnam. But there are many other languages ​​including the Cantonese, Thai, Punjabi and Hindi.
The investigators discovered that older people, 45 years and older, likely to have higher, organs, which is the number of American descriptive Americans as a “very well spoken.
Studies show that the Palisades Fire area has the highest part of Lep Asians, followed by those who live in an Eaton’s evacuation.
Chhandara Pech, researcher and Deputy Director in UCLA Center with neighboring information, findings that are found why government officials need more clarification of the audience.
“Government agencies should not focus on accessing the largest number of wildfish, but they should also priorit the most vulnerable and unavoidable communities,” Pech.
A Lesson, Fourth in a seriesIt is also another reminder of an effort to adapt to emergency evacuation and reply to the Techniques in vulnerable groups, poor, elderly and elders with disabilities.
In two years after 2017 shoesCalifornia took a more critical way in dealing with these issues by introducing a stolen government program California List. This is a plan, playing an important role in distributing information during the epidemic, helping to prepare weak disasters with major disasters through community and local government.
Kulkarni Hopes County authorities will do the same, especially in addressing language barriers that believe there are emergency response programs.
“The language is a critical part of service delivery and services,” said Lkarni. “And a lot of those obligations is a government, but [it] It can also be involved with local community groups because we know the needs. “
“Let’s do so,” she said. Let us join and make sure that we meet the needs of these people. “
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