Things to Say to Encourage a Child

with TeachThought Staff
There are many ways to encourage a child, but for students of any age, honest, authentic, and persistent messages from adults who have credibility in their eyes are among the most powerful.
The National Center for Quality Teaching and Learning has compiled the following list, 50 Ways to Encourage a Child. It’s designed for younger students (primary/kindergarten), but other than 4, 17, 21, and maybe even 40, they’re actually useful for K-12 in general. It all depends on your voice, the situation, and who else is listening.
In addition, they have several other useful documents under them tips for encouraging communication with teachers series you can check again.
See also ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I can’t’
70 Things to Say to Encourage a Child

Look again Need a Lift? Here are 50 Books That Will Make You Happy
70 Things to Say to Encourage a Child
Ed’s note: I started reviewing this list and decided to do a follow-up post. I left the title a few sentences before the list itself.
I respect the way you…if…
I saw when you were… and I thought…
You improve on…which I would say helps you by…
There are many good things about you but today I see that…
I tried…times I failed when I tried…. Keep at it and you might surprise yourself.
The way you…and…allow….
You inspire me to be a better teacher in a way that…
- Good.
- You are on the right track now.
- You worked hard on that.
- I heard you say how you feel. that’s good,
- Oh, that went very well.
- That comes in handy.
- I’m proud of the way you worked today.
- You already got it.
- That’s the best you’ve ever done.
- He remained calm during that crisis.
- That’s all!
- Now you’ve got it!
- That is quite an improvement.
- I knew you could do it.
- Congratulations.
- I love to hear your words.
- What a star you are.
- You solved the problem.
- Keep working at it, you’ll get there!
- Now you have it.
- Your brain has to work hard, you get that quickly.
- I bet you are proud of yourself.
- Another time and you will have it.
- Good idea!
- You are amazing!
- Good teamwork!
- Nothing can stop you now.
- You have such creative ideas.
- That’s the way to do it.
- It’s amazing!
- You must have been practicing.
- You handled that very well.
- I like the way you think.
- Good to remember.
- You just know what to do!
- He is really persistent with this.
- You expressed yourself very well.
- You did it!
- I knew you two could figure it out together.
- Great job of saying how you feel.
- I know it’s hard, but you’ll get there.
- Amazing problem solving!
- I’d love to hear your thoughts.
- I know that was difficult for you, but you remained calm.
- Yes!
- Look at how you help each other.
- You finished quickly because you worked together.
- You kept trying!
- Excellent try!
- You are a brilliant thinker.
20 More Things to Say to Encourage a Child
I believe you.
I love how you keep improving with practice.
You know amazing things.
You make a difference.
Your effort is the most important.
I love how you keep going, even when it’s hard.
He is a great problem solver.
I love seeing you learn new things.
He has a kind heart.
You are very talented.
It’s okay to make mistakes; that’s how we learn.
I appreciate the way you continue to challenge yourself.
Every time you try, you get better.
I am lucky to know you.
He is thoughtful and caring.
You make the world a better place.
I can see how much you are learning and growing.
You matter, and you matter.
70 Things You Can Say to Encourage a Child; photo courtesy of flickr user skokiemonumentpark
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