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‘Human’: As the modi visits Trump, anger in anger with Indian Indian support | Movement

New Delhi, India – Kulvinder Kaur tried to try and call her husband to the United States. Two weeks after communication it was not past, it was overwhelmed, he was at his home in Hoshiypur, in the northern Punjab Indian province.

“I’m really scared of what might happen to him – if broken or killed there. He is my children and I’m afraid I’ll see him again,” said Kaur.

After that, he saw the Telecast of the News: President Donald Trump issues issued Batch of illegal Indian angronts.

Her husband, Harvinder Singh, 40, was among the 104 Indians who were illegally in the last few years, exiles by double authorities in the main elections. .

Singh had made a life-hoped trip in the woods, crossing the rivers and sea, US, looking for a better family life back in Punjab. This week, like many arrests, including women, the singh posted his hands and legs during a 40-hour trip to amritsar, a city in the northern India.

The visualization of Indian citizens – Twenty chains – to deal with the US military aircraft, for its longest journey as an abrupt plan, ran anger in India. On Thursday, after exiles, opposing leaders, including Rahul Gandhi Congress Party, organized hand-wearing protest outside Parliament in New Delhi.

Days before the Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the White House on February 13, which enriched India Trust and Trump management. If Motrump really is a friend of Mode, as both leaders say, why is the new Delhi blocking the steps that may be bad?

The answer, they claim to be experts, is a difficult measuring action that the Mode government believes he should treat.

“The dispute relating to Trump Administration is a number of issues on the table, including the fee,” Harsh PNT, Geololitics analystick in the new Delhi-Based State Tank, assessment research with tax values. Indian Import. “So, where do you give and do you negotiate?

“To make Trump happy, who is made of nature, India doesn’t want to expand the math too much [on the immigration issue] And he takes the costs, “tells Al Jazeera.” There are other challenges and faces. “

‘Side of crass of America’

After Trump announced an emergency National Immigration, his management began military planes to withdraw the unregistered migrants. US authorities submitted at least six flames of meats in Latin America, motivating tension in Colombia and Brazil. Brazilian government protested against “passenger decrease in flight”, after his nations were arrested and hand treated while deported.

Inia, however, it did not say the same treatment arranged to their people. For 104 Indians on the plane that came on Wednesday, many were children – but, they are not impressed.

Since 2022, India puts the third, after Mexico and El Salvador, among the countries with the number of unregistered brothers – 725,000 – live in the US.

The US Border Patrol Chief, Michael Banks, wrote on the X that officials “returned illegal aliens to India”, to arrest men who were charged in the military plane: “When you fall illegally, you will be removed.”

Anil Triganayat, who had been a province of India who had worked in the US, told Al Jazeera that the “treatment and indian Naturals, who dragged such as” experience.

“Holding hands and types of things actually is personality. They have shown the side of the east crass there,” says Trigunayat. “This is the language of crass. And it is absolutely unrealistic and necessary.”

‘He is bound with chains’

After the riot of opposition leaders on four houses on Thursday, the Different external outside Jaishangar has told Parliament that the government is working with Trump administrators to ensure that Indian citizens are not treated.

Jaishankar replyed to the address that the US Working Procedure Approved “Application” while issuing from 2012 and noted “is not”

He also shared government data from 2009 exiled, affecting 2042 in 2019, before reporting. Last year, Indian Revolutions have been fired by US authorities.

He added that Delhi New was told by the US that women and children were not banned and their demands during transportation, including food, medical care and toilet breaks, were visited.

That was not because of the experience of Khisboo Patel, 35-year-old from the Gujarat homes in Gujarat, 40 hours home, his family said.

“Impressed during his whole trip, he rode on his chair,” the old brother, Vard Patel, told Al Jazeera at his home in Vajarat.

Khusboo had been in a brightest US for a moment when he was arrested by the authorities. “We didn’t know where he was and made us worry,” said Patel, the brother. The family read about Khisboo’s return when local media tried to ask their home.

“He told us that they were made like the prisoners and criminals,” he said. “No one hurt him but was a terrifying experience.”

Patel said he was disappointed about the failure of Mode “to protect the modest return of our citizens’.

“What can we do for us now? That time is gone. Our government did this abuse.”

Dreams held

Back home in Hoshiarspur, SEKH and Kauri are now concerned about how to return the loan, the Bank and the minimum time loans are getting to pay for agents to enter SINGH. The couple, parents in two children, sell their farms – but it is not enough. Not distance.

“Our husband left behind my husband from one place to another,” Kaur, 35, telling Al Jazeera.

Saying in a full voice ride, Zour said that they heard a curse when he saw foreigners who were attacked in Cuffs. “I was convinced that my husband is at home with me now,” he said. “But now we are concerned about a big debt underneath. How do we get that money?”

Vinod at Mar, Head of Sociolology Department in the Panjab University, Chandigarh, Church Gandigar said to sell their goods and take risk cords, so called accident. “By being dismissed, they completed both of their work, at home, and in other countries,” he said, adding that most exiles came from low receipt families.

“Earlier, the practice was limited in Punjab, Gujarat, or in other provinces [southern India]”It said Marer, looking at Diaspora Politics. Now it has increased in other parts of India.

Singh and others in the flight also came back where they left.

“They need to restart from scratch now,” said Mar.

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