Business News

Cocogen celebrates 62 years of efficiency of service

In the 62’s, Cocogen was still a home name, providing strong support for Filipino and served as a faithful partner in finding health uncertainties.

In 2025, the company is remembered not only a reminder, but the dermal built in a consistent commitment in a separate service and the proven record of achieving its position as a pillar of insurance industry.

Customer experience

Cocogen dedication to the outstanding customer service is more than just a slogan; Lies in the heart of company activities. Regularly strengthening relationships with customers, the Conogen has used various programs aimed at developing customer journey and experience. Significantly, the integration of the Consumer Management Program is ensuring that all complaints and responsibilities are immediately targeted.

The company introduced various advertising campaigns to access comprehensive audiences and developed its communications available through the content of the content. Cocogen also worked with well-known products such as kover, providing discounts for promo codes and organizes special promotion in South Korea.


Cocogen regularly converts digital enhancements and welcomes new technologies to meet the requirements of its customers. Maked a great improvement to move the online application process for Auto Excel Plus and the International Travel Excel Plus. Similarly, the online sales payment process is also refined.

The new partnership has been established, especially with moneymax, resulting in the increased sales of online trading Excel Plus. In addition, CoFen was working successfully with cyber insurance launch insurance launched premium subscribers.

This commitment to progress ensures that cocogen remains working and answers today’s country’s requirements.

Community engagement

Without providing financial safety, Cocogen is widely donated to the communities. It is actively supportive in the Philippines as a member, participating in disaster risk management and strength programs.

In the second year, Cocogen supports Open Heart Foundation to celebrate the National Children’s Month, zealous workers who are actively assisting the benefit of the Society’s beneficiaries.

Cocogen believes firmly on restoration and providing the well-being of communities where it works.

The recognition of industries

Cocogen’s commitment to Excellence has been receiving many prizes and suspicions over the years ago. In 2024, Asian prize insurance named Cocogen is a regular ordinary home insurance company of the Philippines. In addition, Hackguard insurance was accepted as a new year insurance for the same organization.

“Our understanding of the past year – can be in relation to the process of working, supporting the solid basis for improvement,” President and Chief Executive Officer and CEO David Pedin during the Westinin Manila

Over the past sixty years, Cocogen has submitted economic shifts, technological advances, and it appeared with treatment needs, all when they remain faithful to its main price: manufacturer, and true.

I look forward to many energy, security, and shared success, Cocogen is provided in supporting its beauty assets and maintaining its consistent commitments to special services, which described the company for 62 years.

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