Business News

Supporting the future of children: ‘Operation Golden Heart’ brings business leaders together for good reason

KMC, as well as the child’s Dream Foundation, “Operation Golden Heart: James Bond benefit,” Set February 6, 2025, at 5 PM, in the 5 under one Ayala, cats. The increase consignment offers the business community opportunity to stimulate the cause that affects the right and good impact on children’s lives.

The evening will gather cultures, entertainment, and philanthropy, provides business leaders and experts the opportunity to contribute to the future. The concert will include by the famous artist Jade Riccio, accompanied by Manila Philharmonic Orchestra. Visitors will also be pleased with the foods experienced by the Bizu Patisserie, famous by their specialistics and dedication to good performance, an unforgettable and encouraging event.

Cause should support

In the heart of the Golden Heart “is the basis of Dream Foush, the organization provided to improve the lives of children by providing education, health care and other important resources. Basic work is to tear down barriers and create chores for children in sub-communities, which enabled them to build a better future for themselves and their families.

The fees raised during the event will benefit the basis, providing the support required to continue its sensitive work. Like business leaders, we understand the importance of making a positive, lasting impact. The program provides a different opportunity for supporting children by providing them with tools that require overcoming and effective challenges.

This concert is more than just a giving event; It is a reminder that in a joint action, we can create opportunities and give light to the next generation. KMC Cares are committed to supporting the causes that empower communities, and by using this partnership with the child’s child, we hope to encourage others to participate in this important mandates.

Call to business leaders’ act

In the evening it gives the best chance of communication, it is the cause that prays “the golden heart.” As a contributing, he will play an important role in making a lasting difference in the lives of children who need our support. This event is the opportunity for business leaders to show their commitment to a social meeting and community development.

Business community has the power to lead by example. By supporting the base of the baby, companies and people likewise can show that success is not only explained but for good changes that can bring us the community. Your involvement can encourage others to act and make a difference in their communities.

The impact of your support

The success of the Golden Heart “depends on the integrated deductions and organizations committed to prevent the future of children. Whether in attendance, donation, or increasing awareness, your involvement will have a strong and lasting impact.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our worlds, Maxcare and Diadold, for their kind support. Maxcare’s commitment to the Health Care of accessibility and Diagold Works

We invite you to participate with us the dominant, healthy diet, and shared in Brian Tarthropy, all supporting the base of the child. Your participation will help to provide children with resources needed to prosper. For more information and be part of this impact event, please contact us at [email protected].

KMC solutions:

KMC Solutions is a Premier Business Service Development Company linking the Philipino Talent in Growth Estables in the world by using the Ear Employer. As the largest space provider in the Philippines, KMC brings premiums, workers of working work from essential business districts to produce production, new manufacturing, and growth. Providing a ranging of flexibility, facilitation, and technology, the KMCs enable businesses for all sizes and the prosperity industry to change regularly.

To learn more, visit kmc.Solutions.


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