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Google puts the ban on its weapons and consideration

Google announced Tuesday that is full of principles controlled by how it uses artificial intelligence and unity of advanced technology. The company has dislayed the language that promises “Old Technology or Making Facal,” “Technology Its its own violations of the international laws and human rights. “

The changes are exposed to the number of the 2018 blog mailing post that reflects guidelines. “We made updates to our AI principles. Visit the latest,” said Notte.

At Tuesday, Google PageVippes point to full broadcasts of AI, as well as GEEOPOLITICAL WARS over AI as a “backrop” so that Google principles need to be overwhelming.

Google first published principles in 2018 as he moved to internal internal protests due to the decision of the business company through the US Military Program. In response, a government contractor has declined and announced set standards to oversee the coming use of its improved technology, such as the unity made. Among other ways, Google’s principles will not grow weapons, certain sisters, or technology that limit human rights.

But in advertisement on Tuesday, Google does that commitment. A new webpage is spreading the collection of use of Google AI programs. Instead, the revised document provides a Google for Google to pursue critical use cases. It says Google will use the “appropriate oversight, appropriate diligence, and means of accreditation and intentions of users, social responsibility, and acceptable terms of international law and human rights.” Google now says it will work to “reduce unintended or dangerous results.”

“We believe Demogies should lead to the development of ai, equipped, equality, and the respect of human rights, and the community of Hassabis, the Demist Hassabis, the Housing Library of the Company.” And we believe companies, governments and The associated organizations should work together to create AI who protects people, improves land development, and supports world safety. “

They added that Google will continue to focus on AI projects “adapting to our equipment, scientific focus, and versatile, and maintaining the acceptable laws of international law and human rights.”

Many Google employees expressed concern about changes in string discussions. “We are deeply to see Google Reduces its commitment to AI’s technologies without having a broad worker or community,” Google Koul developer and the president of Alphabet Union Worker-CWA.

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US President Donald Trump to return to the office last month is full of many companies to review the equivalent of the goals of freedom. Google’s spokesman Alex Krasov says that changes have been in work for a long time.

Google identifies their new goals as follow-up, responsible, and cooperation. Summers like “Profit community” and maintain “science beauty.” Which may be spoken “with respect for intellectual property rights.”

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