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Peter T. Asamann, the Founder of Treyarch Video Game Studio, pleaded guilty to a wildfield in California. According to his acceptance, the video game enter introduced the DJI DRONE during the burning month and collided with fire extinguisher. You will pay $ 65,169 to repair the plane and perform 150 hours of public service regarding wildlife.

Akamin is 56 years old-year-old who has a long history in the industry. Tony Treearch, is responsible for being Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater Franchise and black ops driven by job sports.

January 9, as wildfires dragged in California, Aseman called at the Setter Street Promenade Santa Monica, California. He went on the top floor parking lot where parking area and introduced DJI Mini 3 Pro to Pacific Palisades for fire.

“The respondent is flying at the drone at least 2500 meters from its commencement zone and visual visuals while flight,” according to court records. Then the DJi Drowed was crashed to a large fire extinguisher to the fire. The crash ripped a 3-inch in a 6-inch hole in the left area and had to be. According to local news, the accident of the accident delivers the fire extinguisher for an hour.

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Responding to this accident was rushing. FBI found drone pieces and sets website that day as a risk to help them find the drone owner. Photos on their “sought ‘website show a hole torn with left wing and the remains of the DJ DRONE.

People should not fly drones around during the natural disaster, but it happens all the time. The DJI app coordinates with the ADS-B and FAA programs to raise awareness of the nearest aircraft operators, flying boundaries, and other limits. But those warnings are far beyond. “At that time, the Federal Aviation Administration had issued temporary flight boundaries that prohibited drone near Sounern California.

DJji also has the power to use geo fence to limit drone access to certain areas and those geo-fencing in the area of ​​further fires. Besides, the California Fire department reported on a restricted drone in a restricted Airspace during the wild.

DJI also took a unusual step to removing its GEO-fencing policy and a software update on January 13. The drone crash occurred for four days before. DJI said the review was made to comply with the European and US rules. “In these areas, the internal alerts will notify airports near the designated airpace, setting up the drone handicopers,” the media release on the changes.

“At the end of the day, the Drone Operator is responsible for following the rules. We put this in the past 12 years. Publicly means NBC News 7 California. “In fact, Geo-fences would not protect those bad players from the first place.

Welsh is the head of the TECH manufacturer organization, but he is also not a mistake. Akamin flew the DJI her 3 Pro on the wild machine. It is possible to pass the geo-fence on the Consumer Drone, fly more than your telephone line, and break all kinds of rules. Great responsibility for a person who flies a drone.

Akamann, at least, admitted that he tore to the court court and came to cope with the consequences. The public authorities were harsh in their dissension from Dej Doj. “Lack of common sense of your work as a drone driver will not defend the criminal driver: during the wild. “

“The defendant has a plane in a plane where the first respondents accused their lives in the lives of a life protection and asset,” working in the United States Ateorney Joseph T. McNally means. “The damage caused by the Super Scooper is a pleasant memorial that the flying times during the emergency time set a very large threat to workers who are trying to help people and postpone work.”

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