The best of the Christian roles of the best, count: American psycho and more

Christian Bale He is not afraid to go to the dark side.
When Bale, 50, certainly, surely not recognized by his role as a dedicated person, the Academy awarder is well-known for his role as Ultimate Badman Patman. Viltiphonous Bale character in 2000 American Psycho He has been understood by the covetous of the organization and poisonous abundance, all when he uses chainaw.
More than 20 years after I have taught us after considering our first days, stretching his villain muscles and 2022 Thor: love and thunder Like Girl and Butcher God. In the performance of the NOIR style, you have worked as the sounds of all fun and good things – a bad boy of multiverse.
“There is great happiness in playing a villain,” said Bale with her Thor: Love and Thumver Charact among the 2022-storyteller. “It is very convenient to play villain rather than a hero – Chris [Hemsworth] He had a very great job. You know, everyone is impressed with bad boys, immediately. “
Bale went on and said that a well-written Bishon could wake hate and empathy, add that when a player successfully played a villain “some kind of making bad decisions.”
“He is the corner and is the writer, but it is possible that he is a little understanding of why he was in that way,” concluding.
From the powerful political example in the most powerful Demigod, here are the Bale’s Bale Villain roles.
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