6 scares you have died after a medical flight crash near Philadelphia Mall

A small medical fiancée collided with six people collided around the shopping center in northeastern Philadelphia on Friday night, leaving the survivors in the air and flames cars, authorities said.
The Jet Rescue Air ambulance, is the owner of the plane, said there were four group members – one child-thirds and another – in the Solidani – on the accident.
“We do not have the knowledge that there are survivors, and in flames and debris and to see the danger,” Gold in Shai, spokesman Fuel Air ambulance, said.
He added that the company, who conducted between 600 and 700 airplanes annually and faced some critical care, had not been any words until the family members were notified and described the plane, such as a very beautiful flight. “
The plane moved a young patient in Filadelphia, where his care was completed, at his home in Mexico, Mr Gold said. The plane had a planned standing Missouri with gasoline before its last arrival, in Tijuana International Airport, he said.
The patient’s condition and where he received his care was not issued.
It was not clear whether there was any injured in the ground.
Cherelle Parker, the Mayadelphia mayor, did not give details about the number of death but said at the conference of about 8:30 PM “
He told the citizens that they would not touch anything that looked like rubbish and stay within the possibility.
The plane has left Northeast Philadelphia’s airport and was on the way to Skyfield-Branson Airport in Missouri where he crossed approximately 6:30 miles[6:30PMnorthernRoosevelationtheFederalAviationAdministrationsaid
It is not clear why the plane falls.
The air traffic controller has been able to contact the pilot after jersey takes, but they have no response, according to the transfer of noise.
After a long time, the controller said: “We have a lost flight. We are not sure what happened, so we try to find it.”
Bulliom Pontes, 38, a mobile phone manager of miles from a crash site, means discussion that the impact windows hug.
“‘Like the best possible in hell?'” Mr. Pontes remember that he himself said himself. “At first, I thought it was an earthquake, but then we saw the BIG Boom.”
Mr Pontes said he got into his car and drove on the scene, which he described as a busy real estate. Started recording a live Instagram’s Instagram video and debris.
“I saw a big hole in the ground,” he said. “I was shocked how much waste was.”
The Mall Corner of the Mall, Brixmor Property Group, confirmed on Friday night that the plane crashed in front of the shops.
“At this time, we do not know any injury or injury to this area, issued,” said Kristen Moore, said in the telephone conversation. “We are just working on local law as they protect the site and the emergency groups responding to the scene.”
Earlier there was a confusion how many people who were not already flying.
The statement from FAA is sent to X at 7:47 PM that two people were on the board.
Defender to X from the US travel secretary, Sean Duffy, at 7:49 PM said it was said that Six people were.
FAA renewed for its statement at 8:40 PM to say that six people were in the board.
President Trump, the post office in society on Friday night, said: “It is very sad to see the plane down in Philadelphia.
Adeel Hassan reported reporting and Alain Delainquiérièière the study offered.
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