Istanbul Mayor Mamollu in court as Turkish optimization fears the crack | Political News
Ekrem Mamolllu denies charges that he tried to influence the Turkian legislature in the words he made regarding officials.
Istanbul mayor in Mamolllu, an opposing charge and potential Challenger in Turkish president Repep Tayyip Tayyip Tayyip, appeared in court to refuse what he tried to persuade him.
Mamoglu, 53, appeared in Istanbul’s Courthouse on Friday to face threats, insults and prince prince and to try to influence.
“I didn’t share in any actions aimed at any person. I can’t have done so.
Cases submitted to Mamoglu’s official criticism has been delivered by the municipalities held by the municipalities, including his Chpp group (CHP). His related evidence with the words that made them a big prosecutor and a court specialist.
The anticipation of his or her anti-legal challenges facing political challenges in Turkiyi, where the groups say that the judicial independence is affected by the Erdogan Ceed Retore state.
The Mamoglu has already been convicted by Turkiye High Municipal members facing Evoliti Offer Offer Council and deals with political restraint when his 1922 conviction is supported by a complaint. He was rejected on charges involved in accused riding bids on a charge of returning to 2015.
Thousands of his supporters gathered outside the court on Friday to protest against legal practices against Memoglu.
Import occurs when police eriot prevented the CHP bus in the Court. The travel led to the conflict between protesters and police, who had responded. It is not clear when to be arrested.
In time, Mamoglbu is referred to crowds from the top of the bus elsewhere.
“Today’s debate … issue of rights and justice,” said Mayor. “Unfortunately, today’s magazine comes from a special kind of Istanbul.”
The Mayor of the Opposition Ansur Yavas, which was present to support Mamoglu, and blamed the government to convert Turkiye to be a “open prison”.
The Turkish authorities are always looking at the critical journalists, lawyers and political representatives of criminal cases, especially since the failed to deal with Erdogan government.
“The government is trying to reduce the opponent’s complaint, including reporters, and frighten them in the wrong accusation,” said Feth Kocaer, who was in the crowd outside the court, told AFP News Agency. He had a banner read: “We will fight together.”
“Mayor Mamos The Courage and a powerful state of Moglilu will help to combine us. We will not stop but we will improve injustice.”
Mamoglu was first appointed to lead Istanbul in March 2019
The AK group has moved down to the municipality’s election resulting in the city of 16 million, accused of incoming. This challenge resulted in elections within a few months later, which Mamolllu also won.
Immoglu was also chosen by Turkiya’s largest city head.
Turkish authorities have removed a number of selected mayors from Chp parties and pro-Kordils in recent years, linked to “Terrorative” investigation.
Emma Sinclair-Web, Director of Turkiyei in the Human Rights Watch, said Friday the habit of removing the mayors and established public administration.
“This is a great attack of some voters to choose the selected representatives and the violation of a free and good candidate,” Sinclair-Websb told Reuters News Agency.
“While the government addresses Kurdish, it is amazing and awesome to see these cracking steps continue with democratically chosen officers.
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