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Deepseek R1: Why do AI experts think it is special

Everything is sudden, the depth is everywhere.

Its R1 model is an open source, suspected that you trained fractions of the cost of other AI models, and is not just better, if not better than Chatgpt.

This deadly combination strikes hard streets, causing tech stocks to get away, and make investors and ask how much money you need to improve the beautiful Ai models. Deentieseek Engineers said R1 were trained at 2 788 GPUS worth about $ 6 million, compared to Opela-4 reported worth $ 100 million to train.

SupseEeek’s cost function also challenges the idea that large models and details lead to better performance. During the outstanding discussion about DeepseeEek, its threat to AI companies such as Openai, along with the arrested investors, can be difficult to make the sense of what happens. But Ai with ai with Veteran experience have measured us with important ideas.

Deepseek proves that AI experts meant that years: large is not better

Targeted by trade and access to Nvidia GPUS, Deepseeek based on China should have art in developing and training for R1. They were able to carry out the feat for only $ 6 million (not a lot of money in AI names) was Revelation to investors.

But AI specialists were not enough. “On Google, I asked why they were planned to build the largest model. Why go in size?

Bright light speed

The face-to-face climate and Ai Lead Sasha Lucciononi revealed how much Ai Investment is developed in selling and Hype. “Wildling in you that one (efficient) LLM is able to achieve such effectiveness without compulsory the issues of the GPUS is enough to do this,” said Lucciononi.

To specify why Deepseek R1 is such a large agreement

Deepseek R1 is made like the Open O1 model in key benches. Pass through it, equal, or crossed below O1 statistics, codes, and regular information testing. What to say, there are some models out there, like Anthropic Clause, Google Gemini, and the Meta’s Open Slaide Model Llama just knows the normal user.

But R1 causes such concerns because of how expensive is. “It is unreasonable than previous models, are trained for cheap,” a research scientist Gary Marcus said.

The fact that Deentiesed was able to create the most amazing model models. Andrej Karpathy invented Openai, “Does this mean that you do not need large collections of frontier llpu llpo ellms? . “

Shaton Ai Professor Ethan Mollick said it’s not about power, but the models of people are currently found. “Deepseek is a very good model, but it is not better than O1 or Claude” he said. “But as it is comfortable and receiving ton of ton, I think most people used free models ‘mini’ is exposed to 2025 Ai ai can do and are surprised.”

Some points are open models ai

Deepseek R1 HREKOK is a major open source of supporters who claim to have higher access to a democracy in AI models, ensure clearness, healthy creation. “For the people who think that ‘China passes over the US in Ai,’ the right thought ‘the open source models passed,'” said Uhan Lecun, ai Ei Ei Ei Ei Eyela, which supported the models of the models.

Computer and AI specialist Andrew nong have not clearly implicit R1 for an open source model, but it allows accessible access to the big tech.

“Deepseek Sateff” modern-day Deentieseek v3 / R1 to distract Tech Ecosystem – is another sign that the system is a good place to attend, “Ng. “Foundation Model Warer to be hyper-compertive is very good to building people.”

Artificial Intelligence Deepsek

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