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Primeworld Land Holdings establishes a foundation for new housing development in Bamban, in Tarlac

Primeworld Land Holdings, Inc, as one of the largest housing companies, has also noted the historic company as the company celebrates the ultimate event of its Barangay Housing Development Event. 21.

This new advancement indicates the entrance of Primeworld Land in Tarlac, which is a strategic and fast-growing place. 20 minutes from the New Clark City airport and Clark International Airport, this new development provides unprincible access to the power. Designed to meet PD 957 (Medium Cost Housing), promises a unique combination, access, and quality – make it a good option for monuments who pay housing.

The Ben-Housing Housing Project will be a proposed sub-unit development of the first phase 48,298 SQM of over 400 houses, and will provide a living and full protective community in modern. Organized features include Clubbouse, parks and playgrounds, a football field, swimming, swimming, and safety. Additionally, two-story housing options such as city houses and duplex categories, providing various options designed to meet the needs of single people and growing families alike. This development provides the best-needed housing options in a very advanced place with the promising future.

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This important event is attended by important persons at the company and its partners, including CEO Sherwin, and the Celine Coined Department of Engineering ER. Manish, Greater Police and Marketing Charry Policarpio, a Great Manila Seller’s team, the North Luzon Engineering, local traders, and other important participants.

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Taking a good start, Mass is made, and the place was blessed by the cloud. Louis Mon during the event. Additionally, it is shared in a short development program, which gives the fun preview of what will come.

Primeworld Land still hopes that this project will accomplish the desires of the neglected part of the housing.

“This development is proof of PrimeWorld commitment to high-quality housing in the main areas. Since you are near Metro Manila and New Clark City, we are sure that this community will meet the changing requirements of the Philippines, “said Mr. Uy.

Similarly, Ms Co emphasized the importance of strategies of new program.

“Our Engeban, Tarlac, indicates our readiness to increase our access and provide housing solutions that are easily accessible in essential growth areas throughout the country,” he said.

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The launch of the program is expected in the coming months, and Primeworld Land is happy by opening the department’s promising community. It is its simple location, modern resources, and focuses on purchases, Development designed to reorganize the housing site in Tarlac and beyond.

To learn more about the Primoorld Land and its family Manila Bulacan family, in Quirino, Nueva Vizcaya, Cebu, Butuan City and General Santos City, visit


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