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Our favorite books we read in 2024

I did a a lot of study in 2024, and I was lucky enough to (mostly) enjoy all the books and comics I picked up. That made it difficult to pick favorites when it came time to reflect on the year, but there was no question in my mind about which book I loved the most, because one in particular kicked my ass, ripped my heart out, made me laugh, cry, etc., etc., etc.: Stephen Graham Jones’ I was a Teenage Slasher.

Now, I was a Teenage Slasher It won’t seem like a kind story that can leave you crying about love and the power of friendship if you know, judging a book by its cover. The slasher genre isn’t exactly known for emotional depth, so if you went into this thinking you were just into a classic revenge shooter mixed with teenage antics, I wouldn’t blame you. And you wouldn’t be entirely wrong – this book definitely has those things. But the supernatural slasher element, while a big part of the plot, feels secondary to the coming-of-age rollercoaster story that’s really at its heart.

Tolly Driver doesn’t want to be a slasher, but he is. It’s in his blood, thanks to a series of strange events that are perfectly aligned to seal his fate. Amber, his best friend and ride or die, has a lot of knowledge on the subject and essentially becomes his tour guide on this confusing journey. I was a Teenage Slasher it deals with many difficult topics, such as the grief of losing a parent at a young age, something I immediately connected to, the pressure of trying to do right by the people you love, and the scary reality of growing up and growing into yourself. But it’s also often funny, which helps to end all the accidents and tragedy.

This is the second year in a row that a book by Stephen Graham Jones has made it to the top of my list, which isn’t surprising since I’m a huge fan, but I was a Teenage Slasher it’s actually on another level. Not only is it one of my favorite books of the year, it’s probably one of my favorite books. I wanted to start it two hours after I finished reading it, but I couldn’t because I was crying so much. – Cheyenne MacDonald, Weekend Editor

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