6 Types of Learning Assessments
with TeachThought staff
What are the types of learning tests?
And more importantly, when should you use it? If the curriculum i what teaching and learning models are Howtesting is like ‘Hmmmm’–as it is, I thought this again this about student learning, but after doing this assessment, well….’Hmmmmm.’
In Difference Between Reading Test and Reading Test, we explained that “learning assessment is often called formative assessment—that is, assessment designed to teach.” Below, we identify the types of reading tests–very briefly, with simple ways to ‘think’ about each one so that you hopefully wake up with a better understanding of each type.
6 Types of Learning Assessments
1. Diagnostic Test (like Pre-test)
Diagnostic tests are used at the beginning of a lesson or unit to determine students’ prior knowledge, skills, and understanding of the subject. This type of assessment helps teachers identify students’ strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to plan instruction that meets the specific needs of their students. Examples include pre-tests, surveys, or initial observations.
Another way to think about it: Assess the student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills before teaching
Another way to think about it: The basis on which we will work
Tip: Done at the beginning–of the school year, at the beginning of a unit, at the beginning of a lesson, etc.
Look again What is Project Based Learning?
2. Systematic Assessment
Formative assessment is an ongoing process that teachers use to monitor student learning and provide feedback during instruction. These assessments help teachers adjust their teaching strategies to improve student understanding and performance. Examples include quizzes, class discussions, and homework that inform teachers of student progress.
Another way to think about it: It assesses the student’s performance during instruction, and usually occurs throughout the entire instructional process.
Another way to think about it: As a doctor’s assessment to provide data to update prescriptions
Tip: Using digital exit ticket tools like Loop can be an easy way to check if students have understood course content, while also promoting student reflection.
3. Summary Assessment
So what are the different types of learning assessments? The next time someone says ‘testing,’ you can say “What kind, and what do we do with the data?” Summary assessment, for example.
Summative assessments assess student learning at the end of an instructional period, such as the end of a unit, lesson, or school year. These assessments are used to determine whether students have met the learning objectives and assign grades. Examples include final exams, end-of-term projects, and standardized tests.
Another way to think about it: Measures student achievement at the end of instruction. It’s like talking to someone about a movie after the movie is over. 🙂
Another way to think about it: It’s macabre, but if a formative assessment is an assessment, you might think of a summary assessment as an autopsy. What’s going on? Now that it’s over, what went right and what went wrong?
Tip: Summative assessment can be useful for teachers to improve units and lessons from year to year by measuring student performance because, in a way, it is a great reflection of the quality of the units and lessons themselves as they are for the students.
4. Standardized Target Testing
Another way to think about it: It compares a student’s performance with other students (a national group or other ‘norm’).
Another way to think about it: To evaluate a location, group or ‘demographic’. Many standardized tests are used as standard reference tests.
Tip: This assessment is useful later on for student profiles or for placement in programs at national level, for example.
5. Criterion-Referenced Assessment
Another way to think about it: It measures student performance against a goal, specific objective, or standard
Another way to think about it: a bar to measure all students against
Tip: This can be a form of formative assessment and should be integrated throughout your curriculum to guide the adjustment of your teaching over time. Level-based or knowledge-based learning can use criterion-referenced assessment.
6. Interim Testing/Benchmarking
Another way to think about it: It assesses student performance periodically, usually at the end of a grading period. It can predict a student’s performance on a summative end-of-year assessment. Benchmarking is a temporary test so it can be helpful to think of it as a different, though similar, process.
Another way to think about it: A bar graph or chart of growth throughout the year, usually against certain ‘benchmarks’
Tip: Benchmarking tests can be helpful in communicating important facts and data to parents, district officials, and others. One goal is to inform the allocation of resources (time and money) to respond to that data.
6 Types of Learning Assessments
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