6 categories: TextEtech text Taxonomy

by Terry Heick
How can you tell if a student really understands something?
They read early to play a game – tell a teacher and / or test what they ‘want to know,’ and the best test left something on the table. (True, much of this time they don’t know what they don’t know.)
The idea of ​​understanding is there in the heart of all reading, and solves it as a puzzle as one of three officials of the official and education columns.
1. What do you need to understand (standards)?
2. What (and how) are they currently aware of (evaluation)?
3. How can they do better to understand what they are doing now did not do (planning experiences and teaching)?
But how do we know they know? And what ‘it’?
Understanding as’‘
In the face, there is a problem with the word ‘it.’ It sounds clear. Of problems. Don’t be sure. But everybody else knows what it is.
It is “something” really should be read, and it can be shocking to both teachers and the students. ‘It’ all, defined by words that threaten us as purpose, target, technology, testing, diagnosis, failure, and successful.
And according to the content of the content, ‘it can be anything: The truth, availability, practice, or common sense, scientific value, the importance of the writer’s purpose in the text.
So if the student finds that, in addition to the pure educational performance what they can do? There are many taxonomies and symbols, from blooms straight with understanding 6 Features of Understanding.
The following actions are set as a direct tactonoid, from the most basic to the most complex. The best part of it is that it is easy: Most of these actions may be made in class in minutes, and does not require complex planning or extension period.
By using a quick painting, T-Cart chart, chart, or short response to the Partal, or digital / digital / digital / digital. It can also be shown in the class website or classified to help guide the guided reading, learners.
How does the taxomy understanding work
I will write down to this time and immediately place this to be a more illustrated form; Both of these are important in using. . Or upgrading Sensitive thoughts of any content area.
Tabernomity ‘Heick’ learning ‘learning is designed to be easy, organized as (mainly) specialized activities in the complex distance from less than less. That means, the students do not need to show the “higher” discernment levels. Any power to complete these activities is displayed in understanding. A large number of jobs can complete the better, but all boxes tested ‘proves that the student’ finds. ‘
36 Thinking Techniques to help students fight hardship
Heick Read Tapomy
- Explain or explain it
- Label its major and small parts
- Measure its most important and at least important
- Rebunch or ‘house’ is success
- Give examples and non-examples
- Divide categories, or as a broad class
Example Title
The war of change
Sample of sample
Describe the war of changes in simple words (eg in the uneven revolution that created the new country).
Identify the major and smaller parts’ military transformation (eg economy and propaganda, soldiers and tax rates).
Measure the Reform War and identify its most and more important features (eg Depression and the consequences of small towns and small skirmish)
Domain 2: All
- Described in small details and macro context
- Create a moving painting in the context of your choice
- Explain what it is like and doesn’t help both and mentally
- Play with it seriously
- Put both in the parts and all
- Review technology, and define the impact of any updates
Domain 3: Depending on them
- Describe how relevant to the same ideas as the same
- Direct others to the use of
- Describe differently – and directly – to novice and experts
- Describe exactly how others can understand you and where
- Compare to other similar ideas as the same
- Identify ideas such as aroul but different, concepts, or conditions
Domain 4: Work
- Apply in unknown situations
- Create accurate analogies to transfer function or meaning
- Analyze the Best Place of His Career
- Answer them wisely
- Perceive when using it
- By rolling up its origins
- Wisdom or showing its nuance masterpiece
- Criticism of terms of what may be ‘or when it is’ dishonest’ or not complete
- I speak his “truths” as a lawyer or a devil’s lawyer
- Describe its beauty or art
- Analyze its understanding and submission, and how they are relating to
- Designing the sequence, extension, follow-up, or evolution
Domain 6: itself
- Study coming to come on topic
- Ask specific, insightful questions
- Remember or tell their reading order or sequence of times (with metacoction when you will
- Free to use it in different contexts and circumstances
- Identify what they don’t understand
- Analyze changes in the disclosure due to understanding
Advanced understanding
Understanding 6 of understanding, Bloom tax, and Taxomonoman Marzano are also referred to in the construction of this Taxty; Taxonomy of understanding of understanding
Founder and Director of Taught
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