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4 neurosystems of Funds – temploveure

4 Neurosystems Reading

by Workers to do

Understanding how the brain reads a thousand scientific challenge for a thousand years.

Based on recent development in neuroscience and its learning application, there is a comable model of how the brain reads and is not whatever expected. It is recommended that the brain does not have one learning system but four combined systems – each one has its own unique memory and compliance memory.

8 neurosystems reading

Each program uses different types of cell and procedures. Before teachers can start new pedagogies associated with 21east The needs of the century, we need to understand clearly that the brain is learning and how it remembers.

The Neurosystems of reading refers to certain brain systems that work together to help, process, and use new information and skills. Understanding these programs is important for teaching because it helps us to design the lessons and how the brain is naturally learning. Below are some important neurosystems involved in the reading process:

1. The System of Happiness

  • Meaning: This program deals with helping to focus on information and satulate distractions. Without attention, learning is not successful.
  • Areas related to the brain: An earlier cortex (to make decisions and focus) and par Energy (awareness).
  • Classroom tip: Active students’ attention with hooks including (such as issues, visual, or questions) and use strategies such as subjects such as chunking to help focus.

2. Memory Systems

Learning depends on two memory species:

  • Working for a memory: When we take temporarily and foolish information (such as resolving mathematical problem).
  • A long term memory: When knowledge and skills are permanently stored.
  • Areas related to the brain: Hippocampus (storing memories) and special cortex (working memory).
  • Classroom tip: Use multiplication, to discuss matters, and crafts to help students remove information into long-term memory.

3. The program that claims

  • Meaning: Strong feelings – good or bad – can make memories attached. More taxed, additional students should remember.
  • Areas related to the brain: Amyghla (evaluating emotions) and hippocampus (linking memory mood).
  • Classroom tip: Create a constructive study area and connect courses to student interests and experiences of growing involvement.

4. Promoting and Raining System

  • Meaning: This program encourages us to seek and repeat behavior that sounds rewarding. Dopamine, brain chemical, plays an important role here.
  • Areas related to the brain: Nucleus Accommodens and Cortex Cortex.
  • Classroom tip: Give clear objectives, rewards (such as recommendation or recommendation of progress), and choosing to encourage students.

5. Program and Language of System

  • Meaning: This program deals with our processing capacity, translation, and addressing, which is the most important part of learning many lessons.
  • Areas related to the brain: Brocsta’s place (the production of speech) the area of ​​the Wewennico (understanding language).
  • Classroom tip: Use clear language, providing viewing, and encouraging the discussion to strengthen the understanding of the language.

6. Eye processing systems

  • Meaning: These programs take information from our toes (sight, sound, tap, etc.) and help the brain to translate. Missing reading is developing insight and maintenance.
  • Areas related to the brain: Occipital who has (an idea), temporary lobe (hearing), and nervous sortex (touch).
  • Classroom tip: Enter the activities involving material resources, crafts, or music to activate many senses.

7. App in Executectect

  • Meaning: This program is important in planning, solving problems, controls, and decisions – which are important to high thinking.
  • Areas related to the brain: PERTEX CORTEX.
  • Classroom tip: Teach skills such as planning, planning, and verification of verification.

8. Social Learning Program

  • Meaning: People have ropes of learning from others by looking, cooperation, and imitation. Social cooperation helps build a deep understanding.
  • Areas related to the brain: Mirror Neurons (help “clay” others’ actions and special cortex.
  • Classroom tip: Use group projects, peer teaching, and conversations to promote co-operation.

The wild and beauty brains

The brain starts life with 80% of their neurons cells. This percentage decreases until MID sping 20’s when it settles approximately 7%. The night of apocalyptic between 8-10 years the brain focuses more than 30% of its neurons. The total number of the brain cells remain approximately 1 trillion. At the age of 20 we were left with less than 90 billion neurons.

This emergence model of the brain learns to deal with Anecdotot and urban tales that are associated with thinking, recall and reading. The solution focuses on emerging research between neurons (7-8% brains cells, Astrocytes (76% of the brain cells) and the work of brainwaves. This model also includes the opinion’s role and their potential qualifications, and how many questions around Hippocampus retention, a Amygdala and gyrus.

We need to look at the neuroscience tells us about the purpose of the brain and how we can apply this teaching and learning basics that focus on the basics of the relevant information, promoting the development of understanding breadths. This can be included in developing new ideas and ideas (new performance) and apps (intelligence) of these new products, systems and places.

The tutorial work is to promote sensitive thinking and new education.

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