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26 Pajama Day Ideas and Activities to Promote Fun and Inclusion

There is something wonderful about Pajama Day. It brings a smile (and sometimes a friendly giggle!) to our students’ faces and adds cozy, welcoming vibes to our classrooms. It’s a great excuse to mix fun and luxury while improving student morale. Find out why Pajama Day benefits students, and check out our creative Pajama Day ideas that will make your event a success!

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Benefits of Pajama Day

Ideas and Activities for Pajama Day

Benefits of Pajama Day

Here are some of the best reasons to have a Pajama Day at your school.

Encourage school spirit and unity

Pajama Day is a great way to promote school spirit and unity. Giving everyone—students, teachers, and staff—an opportunity to participate in something outside of the structure of the regular school day helps break down barriers and foster a sense of belonging. This has a positive impact, and a welcoming school culture. It is also an inclusive activity because everyone can participate regardless of their background or interests. And, it’s just fun!

Offer different courses

From an educational perspective, Pajama Day can promote cross-curricular activities. For example, learning activities such as “comfortable reading time” or “bedtime stories” can emphasize the importance of being able to read and write in a fun way. Writing time can include creative information about dreams and adventures before bed or be the basis for a bedtime essay. Pajama Day themed word problems and counting time can be included during math. And there are a number of topics related to sleep science that can be explored during science.

Provide education for good living

Pajama Day can also be combined with health education. Some schools include discussions of relaxation, health, and the importance of a good night’s sleep at the event. In addition, it is the right time to teach students ways to create routines that will benefit their sleep hygiene.

Encourage social-emotional learning

Finally, the relaxed atmosphere of Pajama Day can have an impact on students’ social-emotional health. Having everyone come to school in pj’s (stupid!) can ease social anxiety and allow students who may be concerned about their appearance to feel more comfortable. Pajama Day reminds everyone that school can be a very fun place to learn and grow.

Ideas and Activities for Pajama Day

To help you start planning your own event, here are some of our favorite Pajama Day ideas and activities.

1. Cool Reading

@alittihadschoollalain via Instagram

Set up study areas in the classroom with blankets, pillows, and benches. Invite students to bring home a bag full of their favorite books or enjoy the classroom library. Dim the lights or use lamps for a relaxing atmosphere, and enjoy a quiet, cozy study time.

2. Pajama Parade

Put on a fun pajama show and join your students as they tour the halls, showing off their cozy outfits. Make it an all-school event and integrate by grade level.

3. Sleep-themed games

Children play a game trying to pick up pom poms with their toes as an example of Pajama Day ideas and activities
@bluebirdmontessori via Instagram

Play classic sleepover games like “Simon Says,” “Freeze Dance,” or board games. Or try the fun game shown above. Spread the pom-poms inside the embroidery hoop on the floor and challenge the kids to pick up as many as they can with just their toes! Make sure the game you choose is pajama themed and low energy to keep the relaxed vibe going.

4. Movie Time

Play a school-appropriate movie or educational video that relates to something the class is learning. Put together some fun snacks and let the students watch while they’re in their pajamas with popcorn or hot chocolate.

5. Group Read Aloud

A teacher in a costume is sitting on the side of the director's chair and holding up a children's book as an example of ideas and activities for pajama day
@bookishburnss via Instagram

Buy a collection of classic stories or a few of your students’ favorites and read a few aloud throughout the day. Or invite a special guest, such as parents, the principal, a librarian, or a local writer, to come and read a story.

6. Pillow Forts or Blanket Tents

Let students build pillow forts or blanket tents, turning the classroom into a cozy, creative space. Turn it into a fun group activity and have students work in groups.

7. Pajama-Themed Arts & Crafts

Colorful illustration of a girl wearing a pink sleeping mask
@artwithmsdash via Instagram

Create fun pajama-themed crafts, like designing your own pair of pajamas on paper, decorating pillows, or making dreamcatchers.

8. Sleep-themed Science lesson

Turn Pajama Day into an opportunity to learn about a science lesson related to sleep. For example, explore the importance of brain sleep, explore sleep stages, or learn about body clocks.

9. The Bedtime Story Circle

Have students sit in a circle and create a bedtime story together. Each student will contribute one line, going around the circle until the story reaches its conclusion.

10. Snooze Time

School children in pajamas form a circle with their feet all in the middle
@ips_almamzar via Instagram

Wearing jammies = bed time! I mean, how often do you get a quick snooze during the school day?

11. IPJ Dance Party

Host a low-key dance party in pajamas. Play some fun music, and let the students dance in their cozy clothes for a while.

12. Big Dreams Convo

Use the day as an opportunity to talk about goals and dreams. Students can share what they want to be when they grow up, or you can do an idea board activity.

13. Sleepover Snack Break

A little boy enjoying a donut
@cactusblossomkids via Instagram

Offer special snacks like cookies, popcorn, or hot chocolate to make the day feel even more special. This can also be a fun break while watching a movie or reading. Or better yet, incorporate Pajama Day into a fun whole-school event like Donuts With Grown-Ups.

14. Dream Journal Writing Task

Try this fun creative writing activity that taps into your students’ imaginations. Ask them to make a dream journal and write about what they dreamed the night before or think about a fun, fictional dream. Be sure to include illustrations.

15. The Descending Creation of Matter

Here’s a creative, engaging way to combine art and storytelling. Ask students to create their own bedtime comic strip featuring characters getting ready for bed or going to dream parties.

16. Pajama Fashion Show

A lovely little girl is decked out in jammies, slippers and a sleep mask
@ashleyandmegan_ via Instagram

Hold a pajama fashion show. Students can present a “runway” and show off in their pajamas, in categories such as “funniest,” “funniest,” or “different.”

17. Collaborative Writing with a Fantasy Theme

Divide the class into small groups and have them create a collaborative story with a fantasy theme. Give each group a part of the story, and put the pieces together to create one big class dream trip.

18. Pajama Day Bingo

Create a bingo game with squares related to pajamas and bedtime (for example, “enjoy a snack before bed,” “brush your teeth before bed,” etc.). Students mark squares based on their experiences.

19. Show and Tell Stuffed Animals

Smiling children in pajamas and holding stuffed animals in the classroom
@vmarie77 via Instagram

If students are allowed to bring stuffed animals, they can present their favorite during the show-and-tell session. This can be a fun way to encourage open speaking in a relaxed environment.

20. Pajama Transfer Races

Organize gentle relay races or obstacle courses in the gym where students must carry pillows or wear slippers while running. Keep the activities simple to match the theme of the day.

21. Bedtime Yoga or Stretching

Conduct a short bedtime yoga session or simple stretching exercises to teach students about relaxation techniques that can help them relax before bed.

22. Create a Pajama Pattern

Student drawing of pajamas and slippers as an example of pajama day ideas and activities
@wonderandplay via Instagram

Let students create their own unique pajama pattern on paper or digitally. They can create fun designs by mixing colors, shapes, and themes.

23. Say That Tune (Bedtime Version)

Play excerpts of well-known lullabies or songs related to sleep, and have students guess the title of the song. This can be a great way to combine music with the theme of the day.

24. Bedtime Charades

Play a game of charades with a bedtime theme. Have students act out activities such as brushing their teeth, getting into bed, or reading a bedtime story, while others guess what they are doing.

25. Simulating Class Sleep

A teacher in pajamas holds a Junie B Jones book and a stuffed animal as an example of pajama day ideas and activities
@asecondwithabby via Instagram

Set up the classroom as a makeshift “campfire” (using flashlights or paper flames) and tell stories, sing songs, or have a pretend s’mores break. As the teacher pictured above says, “I’m channeling my inner Junie B. Jones and wishing we could have a wild night of sleep tonight!”

26. Fantasy Themed Art Project

Ask students to imagine what their dream world would look like. Then encourage them to draw a picture of it using crayons or markers. Or they can explore different art techniques such as collage or watercolor.

Do you like these ideas? Join the fun! Check out our Favorite Teacher Pajamas for Pajama Day.

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