11 Best MIDI Controllers for Synths and More (2024)

Even if you are a modular synth nerd or bassist of a troglodyte doom metal band, the chances of you encountering a device that uses MIDI is about 100 percent at this point. The communication protocol is more than 40 years old, yet it hasn’t changed since the head honchos from Roland, Oberheim, and Sequential Circuits collaborated on a universal language that musical instruments could use to talk to each other. Its low-tech nature is its greatest strength, making it a fast and reliable way to control a synth or a rack of guitar pedals with absolutely no digital bandwidth. MIDI is great because it never evolved at all.
What you have evolved a small industry of musical instruments that use MIDI to do wild and wonderful things outside of just being flexible digital keyboards. Are you serious about adjusting filters and delay times with the swipe of your hand like a lost operator? There’s a MIDI gadget for that. Do you worship U2’s The Edge and his ability to drastically change the tone of his guitar with just one foot press? There is a MIDI pedal for that. Would you rather not be sitting around a fortress of synths like Keith Emerson just so you can reach for an organ and an electric keyboard for that wedding gig on the horizon? There is a MIDI controller for that.
MIDI devices come in all shapes and sizes, and I’ve tested dozens in my ten-year quest to find a setup that’s accurate, sturdy, and easy on my aching back. I’m a novice at both guitar effects and synth shenanigans, so heavy preference is given to things that can be double-dipped in both worlds with a spartan setup. Some are inspiring and strange, while others are unpleasant and useful, but they are very important for ever-growing rigs with complex channels and connections. My approach to this whole setup may need to be revised once the upcoming MIDI 2.0 protocol goes live, but until then here’s a list of my favorite MIDI gear that I work with every day.
Making and listening to audio? Be sure to check out our lists of the Best DAWs, Best USB Microphones, Best Headphones, and Best Bookshelf Speakers.
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