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Analyzed US Treasure Interviews DONE Workers as ‘Minister Salge’

ELON MUSK members of the Department of Public Works Ministry (ITOGE) received US Finance Department’s Payment Systems for more than a week. On Thursday, an intelligence group of one bureau was recommended that the DOG Members were considered a “internal threat.”

Sources claim that the Bureau members of the Fiscal Service section and others receive an email that describes this concern.

“There is a continuous offense, law, as well as broad protests relating to the achievement of the Treasurer and the Bureau of Financial Services,” Reviewed. “If DOGA members have any access to the payment programs, we recommend immediate remark and make a complete review of all actions that may be taken into these programs.”

Although Treasure and House House officials have repeatedly opposed, it is predicted that DOGA technology has the ability to only read sensitive billing systems but also comment. Marko eleves, one of the young men identified by government experiences, are being informed of the government, have been given to two critical programs in the US Government: Automation Manager to Payment Plan, According to the Payment Records. $ 5.45 trillion financial year 2024.

“Appeals of Organizations in DOGA members who are unauthorized Changes and lock the empiring servants in the economic organizations received access,” We recommend “DOGA members placed under the internal threats and awareness after their payment programs. They are destroyed. Continuous access to any of the DOGE, or ‘DOGA’s membership programs,’ may have been a very one year’s risks in the risk of the Bureau of the financial service you have faced. “

Recommendations were part of the weekly report sent by the BFS team threatening the general workers. “The Dangers of the Inner Year are something [the threat intelligence team] Usually, “the well has told violence.” But they have never identified something inside the bureau as an internal threat to know. “

The Treasury and Newhite House did not immediately respond to the request for comment.

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Are you a current or former employee in the Treasury or Seruau for financial service? Or other professional activity work? We like to hear from you. Using the phone or computer unemployed, contact reporters safely in the Evellitt88.18 and Leahfeirs.86.

The e-Treasury and the Treasury has a credit agreement This week, resulting in the Federal Judge to give an order on February 6 temporarily restricting the details of the payment program.

In the portion of the email entitled “Analyst Notes,” Email Delves into a fallout from the suit.

“The court order designed for the appointment of Top’s access to the Treasury was issued, but specialized ‘only in Thomas (Tomas (Aka Tom) Krause” means. This achievement is still threatening inside. “

Elez once worked for spacex, a Musk’s SPACE company, and X, Musk Media Media Company. Elef Elez left Thursday after Wall Street Journal asked in White House about his connection to “Removed Social Account that promoted racial and eugenics.” Elez did not immediately react to the request for comment.

In a letter to Saster Scott Bessent in February 7, Senator Wyden’s Wyden’s Wyden One of the DOG-related employees with their access to financial systems.

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